Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Working hard today

Man my baby boy is doing so good. His OT came today, I was hoping he was up for it because although he's been acting ok. He still coughs and has a hard time clearing his lungs. We had to stop a couple of times and do a little CPT, or pound the junk up and then suck it out. But he did so good. I can't believe that even though his siezures have increased a little, he still seems to be getting stronger. They still don't think he will ever walk, or even crawl, but if he could just sit up on his own. I really want that, so when we go visit friends like Zoey, or some new friends we met that are close to us, he can sit up and play with them. But that will be a long way off. He still can't hold his head up all the way by himself, and he can't roll over. He doesn't play with toys or reach for stuff, but he's starting to smile again so we'll take that, its still progress.

Come on, got to get that head up.

Hi mom, I'm a big boy

Sitting so tall

Sittin with my feet on the ground, thanks to Marsha's help.


Emily said...

Oh how cute is that! We're rooting for you big boy! You can do it! So glad to hear that he is doing better!

Junior said...

way to go Jaxson, you are doing great big guy

Shari said...

Go Jaxson go! You can do it big boy!

Anonymous said...

You are such a cutie pie Jaxson! So happy that theropy went well! I just know one day you will show us all hows it done! Big hugs! Megan and Keaton

Heather said...

Way to go Jax my little friend.Or should I say,Zoey's little boyfriend?And Jax,you will sit and you and Zoey will have plenty of play time.Promise.Love to you all.

Anonymous said...

You go Jaxson!!!

The VW's said...

WOW! Look at you Jaxson! I'm so proud! You are doing so well! That table/board is cool, perfect for getting him to sit up and have some support! GO JAXSON!!!

Blessed with Boys said...

YEAH Jax! What a big boy you are!! We always try CPT but it doesn't work! Any tricks? Malachi still has a nasty cold!

Anonymous said...

He's starting to smile??!!! That is amazing!

He looks like a little man sitting up like that :0) Awwwwww I'm so proud of him.....He's trying his best :0)

p.s. I have the kid's pictures taken at JC Penney a lot...... With a coupon they are super cheap, free sitting, $3.99 a sheet or $7.99 for a full portrait package and they are really friendly!!

Avery definitely is the sheriff in our house.....He commands attention all day :0).....He pretty much rules the roost :0P

Anonymous said...

Yeah big guy! We want you to visit Kansas!!!

Christine said...

Great Job Jax!

Loren Stow said...

Way to go! I am so happy that Jax is doing better and better - and smiling!! That is go great! Way to go and well done and lots of love!

Baylee and Blair's page said...

Don't you love those little benches? My PT gave me an extra one of her's to use for Blair. Blair sits on it and I pull up her piano to it and she will sit there and play on it. She will kind of stand and then sit back. We are so grateful she let us borrow it!

Hugs - Tiff

Hope for congenital diaphragmatic hernia said...

Look how cute and big he looks! Hoping and praying right along with you he will be able to sit by himself soon!!