Heading to peds office. Yesterday fever of 102. Coughed his bloody head off all night.
Right now oxygens at 3/4 liter to 1 liter. Respitory rate 65. Pray for no ER, will update when we know whats happening. Thanks for the prayers, :(
2 days ago
Heading to peds office. Yesterday fever of 102. Coughed his bloody head off all night.
Right now oxygens at 3/4 liter to 1 liter. Respitory rate 65. Pray for no ER, will update when we know whats happening. Thanks for the prayers, :(
Posted by Lacey at 9:16 AM
I am so sorry to hear that Jaxson is sick, we will be praying hard for him.
Big hugs
Oh poor little guy.... we will be thinking of you today.
I've been checking here frequently, worried about your little guy! I was hoping to read that he was getting better! :( I'll be praying for him and you! Hang in there!
keep us updated!!! Praying for no ER and no hospital stay!
Lacey, I'm hoping everything is okay with little J. Keep us updated.
Oh, Mr.Jax ...what will we do with you?Keeping mom on her toes.So sorry to find him feeling yucky and you worried.Praying you all can get a handle on things quickly.Love to you all.
Oh I am so sorry that it has been a rough couple of days. We will pray that they will let you come home without an ER trip or a hospital stay. It is always so much better to be home. Feel better soon Jaxson!!
Kristi and Carter
Praying for him and you today and of course, keep us updated!!!
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