This is sweet Arabella. She is super sick still in the hospital. but look how beautiful she looks with her butterflies. She reminds me so much of Jax, although we were able to escape a trach (barely) I so know how her mommy feels having the stupid vent for so long and catching infection after infection. Go read about her here.

We've been looking for a new carseat for Jax, today we went to Babies r us and found a perfect one for him. It reclines pretty far back, which he needs because he can't sit up. But I think I'm still going to put a roll under it, he still sits up a little higher than he should. But he still has to be rear facing, and this is the only one that fully surounded him, and had extra cushions for his sides so he doesn't slouch down. My 3 year old finally graduated from an infant carrier to a big boy seat, Yahh. Well maybe, the infant carrier is going in the back of the car so I can still take him to the store by myself, he can't sit in the cart so what do I do with him. Thats why we've held on to the infant carrier for so long, aside that he still fit in it. I can't carry him everywhere. We'll see how it goes.
Ok, now I wanted to go to the Childrens Place to get some shoes for Jax. They have the soft baby shoes, his shoes from last year, these little boat shoes, still fit, but I wanted to see what they had for this summer.
So then we go to Babies r us for the car seat, and I should have known better, but I wandered into the baby clothes. Um and I went a little crazy.
Seriously, the kid has more shoes than me now, and definitly more clothes. I had to buy him this little rocker outfit and the shoes to match. Isn't he a little stud?

Clothes sizes now for my 3 year old. Shirts we've finally graduated to a 24 month. Shorts 12 month, and shoes, a whopping 6 to 12 months. Yeah, he has itty bitty piggies. The better to munch on though.
He is sooo stinkin' cute!!!!!!!I think he knows it too.
Jaxson I love your new ride and your cute shoes and clothes.
Landon has the same car seat and we love it! He looks so cozy riding in it! I love the shoes and outfits too! Such a handsome little guy!
We too took a trip to Babies R'us! I was actually hoping to find a solution for my own 'lil non-sitter because he's quickly growing out of his infant carseat (having the same shopping cart & carrying issues)...glad you found a seat you liked, I found a few I'm contemplating!
The shoes & the outfit...too cute! But of course, they're gonna be cute on Jax since he's such a doll!
Love the clothes. Love the shoes.
That car seat looks perfect!
And thanks again for our blanket...we love it!
Well ... you know,I just am in love with Bella.Just something about about that sweet little fighter.Much like darling Jax.Love her blanket too.Butterflies are perfect for that child.Jax looks handsome as ever in his new gear and just a big guy in his new carseat.Kisses to my little boyfriend.
Oh, my goodness...and a rockstar 'do to match! I don't care HOW many clothes that kid has in his closet...that outfit was money WELL SPENT. xoxo
Lovin the new ride!! He looks super comfortable and so cute. And I love the shoes and outfit - he has such cute little feet.
Awesome! He looks so cool in his car seat!! And his new outfits are just the bomb!
Jax looks seriously stylish for the summer!
I love itty bitty piggies!!!!
Little Jaxson has a bigger wardrobe than all of us put together do!!! ha ha......His plaid shoes just have to be the cutest ever!!....I want them!!!! :0)
His new car seat is way cool!
Maybe you could invent something for shopping carts that could support Jaxson sitting up??!! and that would be easy to travel with....I'm thinking maybe like a memory foam type of insert with buckles....
And.... I think it's about time for another video of Jax!!...ha ha I love seeing him in action :0).....Still life is cool too, but nothing compares to seeing him move around....I would love a video of him pulling out his "nose hose"... :0)
He is such a special little boy and I love him to bits!!! From his fluffy monkey hair right down to his itty bitty toadies :0)
p.s. Trips to Babies R Us ALWAYS get me in TROUBLE!!!!! ESPECIALLY when there are COUPONS involved!!!! As a woman I feel as if I HAVE to USE my coupons!!! They're like money....they burn a hole in my purse!!! :0)
Love the photos - he certainly is Mr Cool in his new car chair and his rocking clothes! He is a super stud! Hope you are all well! God bless, Megan and Keaton
Looks like a nice car seat! We just turned Gavin around forward facing. He still doesn't have good neck control, but his legs were getting too scrunched up facing backwards.
Jaxson looks so handsome and those shoes are PRECIOUS!!! I love baby clothes and shoes! One positive to our little guys not growing I guess! Gavin is in 24 months size all around, except for shoes. He wears a 12 month size for shoes.
I still struggle with what to do with Gavin when I take him into stores since he can't sit up. I used to keep the infant carseat in the van and used it in the grocery cart, but that got to be a pain, especially in the winter months when it was feezing cold out! Now I just don't take him or I only go if one of my other boys are with me to push his stroller or the cart. We definitely need to invent something for grocery carts, for little ones that can't sit up.
Hope you are enjoying your weekend! Thanks for the Jaxson pictures! Looking at him always makes my day!
The new car seat looks very comfortable! I'm glad you found one that'll work for Jaxson!
Sooo handsome, and I LOVE his new ride. ;) He looks so big in it!
Carseat looks very very comfy! Love his new clothes and those shoes.
Jonathon has big feet, size 6. He wears anything from 24 month to 2T in shirts. Pants some are 18 months, most are 24 months, couple of 2T. But when I went to put a new outfit on him. 24 months the shorts fell right off.(too funny). I went back in tote from last year and put on 12 months. Yep 12 months for shorts. Now we have no matching outfits. I am thinking diaper to a pullup did this to us.
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