Yesterday the rain stopped and ended up being a beautiful day. We had a bunch of family over for a BBQ. We love to have people over, but there is so much I want to do to my backyard, its making me crazy. Whoever lived in the house before us had the brilliant idea to put a border around the whole backyard, so either they love to weed, or they just didn't care. Now we are trying to kill it so we can rip it all out.
Chilling in his chair, its nice to be outside.
Daddy and his sister cooking.
Carter is one strong boy.
I'm hoping today I can find out more from Boston or Colorado, I also need to call the surgeons office because they never called on Friday to set up a new surgery date. The craziness of the week has begun.
Just in, surery date June 16th for cecostomy placement.
Nothing beats a great day at home with family and a cook out, it's one of our favorite things to do in the summer.
It looks like you had one kick butt Memorial Day!!!!
Can I come over and jump on the trampoline too???!!:0)
Looks like you had a wonderful day with your family. Praying that you are able to get a hold of the docs and get the appts. Jax needs.
We are hoping you can get some answers this week! Dont forget to take time to have fun too!!! Hugs!
Oh I sure hope you can get the information you need! So glad you were able to enjoy your Memorial Day together! Nothing better than a BBQ!
What a lovely day. I love entertaining and having those fun memories with family!! Good times...
yeah, what's up with that border??? maybe that would be a fun game for the kids???lol.
It looks like you all enjoyed a beautiful day outside! Jaxson looks good! :) Our prayers are with you!
Looks like you guys had a great day! We went to my in-laws for a BBQ!
yeah for a family party and double yeah for a surgical date - what a happy post :)
Looks like a great day! And, I understand what you said about the craziness starting today! The weekend was so relaxing and now that feeling of peace has quickly left my body!
Your yard looks great, but I can see how yuck all that weeding would be! Our yard needs LOTS of work!
Glad you got a date for surgery! One down, one to go...hopefully really soon! I'll be praying!
Looks like a really fun BBQ - glad you were able to have fun on Memorial Day. I am with you on the weeds - borders around the whole yard would be a lot of weeding. Glad you were able to hear back on one surgery - hopefully some answers from Boston will come today as well.
So much fun!
Glad to hear you have a date set. We are praying for that sweet boy!
Glad you guys were able to get out and have some fun! I give you soo much credit for taking such good care of Jaxson. You always include him in the fun. God Bless You and so glad you finally have a date.
Avery got his blankie in the mail yesterday and he LOVES IT!!!!! It is so cute!!!
I'm so happy he loves it because he loves to snuggle up with this heavy crocheted bear blanket ONLY, and that's hard to take places with you all of the time, especially in the summer.....The dinosaur blanket is SO DARN CUTE, lightweight and soft and cuddly.....Even my 6 year old wanted one....ha ha ha....I told him that he could ask his little brother if he could borrow it once or twice....he he he
I put up a post with tons of pictures!!!! :0)
Thank you so much!!!
Avery and Alyson
Next time Dillon & I will be over for the BBQ:)...ya sure, we'll fly on over...LOL! I love your trampaline (spelled wrong I'm sure)
JAX looks like he's really chillin in his cute! UGH, I want to kiss his cheakers!!!! Good luck on the phone call...Come on BOSTON!:) (we'll be there Monday..{{HUGS}})
I love BBQ's. I have been doing a lot of grilling as well. My mom bought me a canopy for Mother's day for my deck and Carson and I are out there a lot just hanging out and chillin. Looks like a great time.
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