Look at these cute kidos. They just got their blankies. Ashlea lives in Australia, yeah, we sent a blankie to Australia, cool huh. Go check out their stories here.
Isn't this the sweetest pic ever, his story is here too. He wasn't feeling good when his blankie came so he cuddled right up with it.

Ok so I was walking through the grocery store today minding my own business. I saw this group of women, they were in the baby section and one of them had a baby with her. They didn't see me at all, I just overheard one of them say down sydrome and freaks of the world in the same sentence. Now I didn't hear the whole story, so I'm probably making ussumptions, but I had to walk away quickly so I didn't say something. My blood was boiling. I wanted to walk up to them and point to Jax and say, does he look like a freak of the world? If he does than your baby does because there is no difference in the two, they are both beautiful babies. I'm mean theses women didn't look like the brightest people, kind of dirty, but I'm glad I didn't say anything. I was the better person and just walked away. I just don't understand why even nowdays people don't understand down syndrome. What about all the other people, its always the downs people that are stereotyped? What is the deal with that. Oh well, we can only try to spread the word and show people our beautiful kids and how "normal" they really are.
Oh... I agree. What lucky families we are to have been blessed with such beautiful children. Spreading the word is the best we can do!
So glad those sweet children love the blankies!
Reading an older post... if you go to Childrens Hospital Boston you could stay at the Devon Nicole House, but you have to reserve a space in advance (sort of like a Ronald McDonald House) My sister stayed there alot when my niece was at Childrens last year Syren2008 is her carepage. If you want info I can get it for you, my email is agrasso@wildblue.net I have been following Jaxson for a few months, he is a tough little boy with a great mommy !! Angi
Lacey - I can't believe those women! Good on you for being the better person - not sure if I would have been!
Thanks so much for the blankie - we love it!
Ashlea's mum
I think the reason that people with down's are so easily targeted is because of who they are..
They are innocent...
They are kind...
They do not have the capacity to condemn...
Most of all they don't understand hatred, it's not a part of their make up. So many people believe that the extra chromosome means that something is wrong with them, but after raising a child with down's it's easy to see that the extra chromosome isn't wrong. It gives them something that I only wish more people had, an unlimited, uninhibited ability to love without fear.
My greatest fear is that I'm going to end up in jail one day, because of my quick temper,when faced with pure ignorance.I know I will be in a similar situation one day , we all will! Good job, Lacey.On a brighter note, those children are beautiful with their blankies.
Thanks again for the blankie...Brayden LOVES it :O) and applause to you for being the better person and not confronting the ignorance of those women you encountered. I know firsthand how difficult that is, but the truth is they're just uneducated enough truly pass judgements at all!
lots of love & many, many hugs!
I don't know if I could have walked away from that one. "Kudos to you"
I wish people would stop being naive.
It's very sad how some people criticize things that they are very uneducated about :0(
You did the right thing by just ignoring them.....It probably would've been a waste of your precious time to deal with people like that.....
But....I hope you strolled Jaxson past them a few times though so they could get a look at how darn cute he is!!!! :0)
You are a strong person Lacey! I don't think I could have controlled myself either. If they only looked at the fact that God made all of us and he loves all of us just as we are. Furthermore, God doesn't make junk!
Way to go Lacey, it takes a lot of strength to be the bigger person and just walk away.
Love the new pics of the kids with their blankets, so cute.
I think that I would have had a difficult time keeping my mouth shut! I hate injustice! And, there is no justice in the way people talk and think about our kiddos!
The sad thing is some people just don't understand. If they knew our children, they would see just how much those with Down syndrome bring to this cruel world! I wish that I had their innocence, kindness and tenacity! So much could be learned from our special children, if people would just take the time to get to know them and if people would stop living so selfishly! As, you can tell, you got me going! :) Good thing I wasn't there! Momma Bear would have come out! Good for you for keeping your anger inside. I might have sunk to their level!
Hope your family is doing well! HUGS!!!
The chair that Gavin was sitting in is actually an insert seat for the stroller that we have for him. It's hard to explain, but I'll try.
The seat part of the stroller comes off and we bought a frame, that they sold seperately, that you can put the seat on to. So, it's kind of like a bigger version of a bouncy seat.
It's actually quite cool! Go to Mutsy.com if you want to see what I'm talking about. Another special needs mom told us about the company. The stroller is expensive, but it is so worth it when you have a child like Gavin! You can also buy just the seat and the frame, without buying the stroller part, if you just want the bouncy seat type of chair. If you have any questions, let me know. I can also e-mail you pictures if you want to see it better.
Oh, and another mom recently told me about this company called, Nap Nanny. The have these cool foam-like chairs that look like they would be awesome for Gavin and Jax! It's expensive too, but I'm thinking of saving for one for Gavin. It elevates their head 30 degrees (great for reflux) and it looks really comfortable. Better than laying on the floor on a blanket on their back all the time. Check it out at napnanny.com
Our house is full of equipment for Gavin! I'm sure that you know what I mean, but it seems like there is never a great place to have him hang out for too long. So, I'm always looking for new ways to make him comfy and new things to sit him in or to do with him to stimulate him more. Let me know what you think about these seats!
Unfortunetaly there will always be people like that. Just remember what a blessing Jaxson is and that because of him you are a better person. More patient, caring and kind :) He is very lucky to have you as his mommy
The blankie pictures are so cute!
Some people are so mean. How unfortunate for them that they don't have a chance to see how great our babies really are! It's there loss because I feel so blessed to have a baby with ds. For every mean person I've heard say ugly things, there are many more who show their love and kindness.
People are really rude nowadays & really need to watch their mouths. They are just ignorant. Good for you for taking the high road & not stooping to their level.
People with Down's are normal just like everybody else. Your son is so handsome & so innocent & so full of life =]
Just remember God blessed you with a beautiful angel =]
I know I wouldn't have walked away.
Fortunately, I haven't gotten any comments, just stares - and those were from adults when I took Aiden to the zoo last year.
I completely agree with you 100%!! We are so blessed to have our children! Dillon brings such amazing joy & lifts up every single person as soon as he walks into the room...how can anyone NOT acknowledge that!
THANKS AGAIN for making these blankies...Dillon adores his;)
Good job Lacey. I would not have been able to stay out of jail for that one and it would not have been worth it.
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