Chest x-ray looks like crap, but were home. I'm lucky my doc trusts me enough to be home, she said if it was anyone else they would be up there. He's quite lethargic, and still on 1 liter of O's, if he goes up any higher than that we have to head up.
This swine flu is really beginning to bug me. Its not a pandemic people. 140 cases out of how many billions of people. 30,000 people die from the regular flu every year, we've had one death so far, and the child had underlying medical problems. We haven't even had a case in Utah, but their being so paraniod, they wouldn't do a VRP without a mask, she thought she was going to have to send us to the ER for that. I would have been pissed if I had to go to the ER just for that. We are trying to avoid the Er, luckily they had a mask so they could do it. So just pray he doesn't get worse so we have to head up, I have a lot to do this weekend.
3 days ago
Keeping you all in our prayers.
Big hugs
I'm glad that you guys were able to bypass the ER!! Hopefully Jaxson will start to get better and your thoughts of possibly going to the ER subside...
You know I am always praying for you guys!!!
How is Jaxson doing with holding his head up?? He looked great in that video... I am looking forward to more of those!!
Love you Jaxson!!! Get better soon little buddy!!!
we'll keep you in our prayers! Hope he doesn't get any worse!
Hang in there Jaxson and Lacey. We're sending good strong vibes your way.
Thinking about you guys!
I hear ya about the Swine Flu! Im so tired of hearing about it. We were at Target and Malach coughed and this lady looked at me like she had been infected by my 9 month old. Babies cough lady! Grrr...
Praying that you can all stay home this weekend and not have to make a trip to the hospital! I'll be praying and thinking about your little man!
And, the media is definitely going overboard with the swine flu hype! They need to Relax....take it easy! There must be nothing else exciting to talk about on the news?! This only makes everyone get worried and crazy!
Hang in there!!! Hugs!!
OH LACEY! Def.praying for little Jaxson tonight & that he'll beat this & not have to go into the hospital...YOU NEED A BREAK! See how much of an AWESOME Mom you are for the MD to trust you that much!!!
Hope you get everything done...
Ugh....Keep yankin out as much snot as you can girlie! Just think of yourself as a portable snot hoover :0)
Now step away from the germies Jaxson! You need me to give em a good slug? You know I will :0)
Praying for you guys...
Trina and Jophie
Still thinking about you and Jax! Hope everyone gets a good nights rest and that Jax wakes up cootie free tomorrow!!
Hugs to all!
For some reason bloglines isn't updating your blog w/new posts (do you know why? is your blog set up for feeds?) so I am so far behind! I'm sorry to hear how sick he is right now; glad you didn't have to be admitted and sending lots of prayers that he gets better soon!
I'm glad to hear that Jaxson is still home. Hopefully you will be able to avoid an admit!
I hear you on the swine flu, it's getting annoying. How many people die every year of the regular flu? Many more than have died of this!
Praying Jax gets better very soon!
Praying for you and your precious Jaxson!!!Get well little sweety!
That is good that he hasn't been admitted! So, they obviously don't know what's going on with them. Poor little guy! I will be praying for him!
Big Hugs - Tiff
Matt has this thought that maybe they have a ton of vaccinations (well we know they do because they said they do, but...) that are about to expire and they don't want to have to waste all that money, so if they hype it up, ppl will get scared and get vaccinated.
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