Thursday, May 7, 2009


Finally I got a pic from a blankie reciever. Click here to read Zach's incredible story of survival.

The blankie requests have been kind of quiet, are you spreading the word?


Junior said...

he is so cute

Anonymous said...

He is adorable!!!!

I almost thought he was Jaxson for a split second :0)

They both have the same Leap toy too, :0)

Because Avery was feeding fairly well once he finally left the NICU and because I was breastfeeding, they didn't want to put him on any extra calorie formula....Nor did they want me to add any extra calories/fillers to my expressed breastmilk.....This frustrated me to no end, but because he is consistently gaining weight and not losing any they don't feel a need at this point to do so.....

he seriously HATES baby food, except the fruits......He would rather eat table food and chew it up himself so we are also working with that as well....but he willonly take a tablespoon at most of the table food.....blah blah blah.....OY.....You have a whole novel here.....



p.s. Your blankies are so awesome and so warm looking.....How long does it take you to make each one??

Anonymous said...

Avery and I would love that!!!

Anonymous said...

Things like stars or stripes, monkies, black and white cow prints.... :0)

He currently is still in our room and will probably be in here for at least another year or maybe until his heavy night breathing at night subsides....So he doesn't have his own nursery

Trina and Jophie said...

Aww what a cutie girlie.....

Trina and Jophie

Anonymous said...

Yea he breathes heavy at night and then some times throughout the day, but his stats are always normal and his x-rays and scans are clear........So they feel like this is just how he is......This is how he has had to breathe since he was born....But it still scares me

For example, my oldest, Evan had severe eczema on his torso as a baby and was back and forth to his allergist at CHOP every month for check ups.... Now when there were no signs of eczema on his body n(and he still had his steroid cream on) he would still scratch the same spots as if it was covered with eczema......Even now.....His eczema has gone away 90%, but yet he still scratches his sides......I'll even ask him if he needs his "creamys" and he'll tell me no that it doesn't itch.....Yet he is still scratching away.....It's "normal" for him....

We are one crazy household :0)

Tammy and Parker said...

I didn't know about the blankets! What a neat thing!

Tammy and Parker

none available said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
none available said...

(Bad typo above! Ha.)

Anyways, I wanted to stop by and say thank you for the Blankie! I know this is long overdue! Life has been so busy and hectic, but it is beautiful. Thank you so much sweet lady! :)

The VW's said...

I was thinking that was a picture of Jax at first too! He is adorable!

I "spread the word", so hopefully people will be contacting you for a blankie. I think some people have a hard time asking for things, but hopefully they will! We LOVE our blanket! It makes me happy everytime I look at it! So, Thanks again!!!