Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Never wake a sleeping baby

I wanted to get a picture of Jax in his new cute froggy baby legs this morning. But my super light sleeper woke up when the flash went off.

Never, ever, wake a sleeping baby.

Expecially one that was awake at 2:00 in the morning, coughing.

Ok, all better now.

We joined this Disney movie club, because we want to collect all the Disney movies. We got our first set yesterday and it had Shark boy and Lava girl in 3D. The boys have watched that one non stop since it arrived.


Junior said...

Oh what a sad face, poor Jaxson.
Hope he is starting to feel better.
Big hugs.

Cheryl said...

Jax is so cute in his froggy legs:)He's cute crying too,poor fella:)
Your boys look like they are having a good time watching the movie.My kids like to watch movies over and over too.

The VW's said...

What a cute picture and outfit!!! I LOVE that shirt!! I'd pay more for a picture with Jaxson, that's for sure!

Poor fella, it stinks not sleeping well and being a light sleeper!

Anonymous said...

Very cute leg warmers...love them! Hope he starts getting better, NO more coughing!

Hayden and Brent said...

I just have to tell you I love Jaxsons baby legs! We have the same ones! So cute! LOVE them!!!

Blessed with Boys said...

We LOVE baby legs!! How is Jax feeling today?? Hope he is on the mend! ANd I LOVE that you called Malachi a tank!! He was onlt 3lbs when he was born, so he has come a LONG way!!

Ria said...

Hi. I found your blog through Down Syndrome New Mama's blog. Your baby's a fighter! Go Jaxson go! I hope he feels better soon. I'll be following your blog.

My blog: Bill and Ria

Anonymous said...

He is too cute!!! He look so much better too!

I just saw those froggy baby legs at Target today.....In fact, I was going to buy them, but then at the last minute changed my mind.......

You should check out....


She sells the CUTEST BABY LEGS EVER!!! They are like $8/pair and FREE SHIPPING!!! Can't beat that!!

Trina and Jophie said...

I love baby legs...Slap some frogs on em and you got me! Cute cute :0)

Jax is looking better and better.....Keep it up!

Trina and Jophie

Christine said...

Cute! Jonathon loves Froggy's. Feel better soon Jax.

Anonymous said...

Yesterday was my first time ordering from them, but I do know of a few other bloggers who love her baby legs!

All the choices can be a little overwhelming.....ha ha....You want them ALL, It's so hard to choose, You add like 10 pairs to your cart and by the time you check out, you narrowed it down to 3 :0)

I also bought a pair of baby legs brand warmers off of ebay.....theyw ere SO EXPENSIVE....Like $12.99!!! But they were in MOO COW PRINT!!!!! So I HAD TO GET THEM!!! I hope they're as nice in person as in the pics :0)

From Knottybaby I got the black and white striped ones, some green blue and yellow striped ones and the pirate skull and cross bones ones.... :0)

Kim Rees said...

Adorable! Love that little man! How cool to watch a 3-D movie at home. Didn't know you could do that. Glad things are looking up!

carolyn q said...

Love the socks, to cute!
You will have to let me know how much you enjoy the disney movie club. We have most of the older disney movies on VHS for our boys to watch but are thinking of upgrading to DVD.
I hope that Jaxson gets feeling better and startts to get better sleep (which means mommy will get better sleep too). He is such a cutie!

Emily said...

I LOVE the froggy legs! I sure hope he's feeling better. He deserves it. We also are big fans of 3D movies!

Melissa said...

OH MY GOODNESS, Poor little Jaxson!! That's the sweetest picture...I just want to kiss those cheakers;)