First off, I recieved a blankie request for a kido that needs prayers. An aggressive tumor was just found 4 weeks ago by his dad when changing his diaper. He has a long 43 weeks of chemo ahead of him and he's not even a year old yet, keep little Chase in your prayers.
Carter had a baseball game tonight, and of course, I forgot my camera. He got new catchers gear because he is such a fantastic catcher but his coaches never put him behind the plate, they finally said the other day that they think the gear is to big for him. So a friend at a sports shop gave us some shin guards for free, and we bought him his own chest protecter and helmet. Oh he looks so stinking cute. I promise I wont forget my camera next time.
Is there such thing as a peewee game being a nailbiter? This game sure was, the other team was up by 9 and we came back and was winning by 1 point. But in the end the other team came out on top. Oh well, it was a great game.
I went through a little of Jax's history with one of the moms. She just graduated from nursing school. Man I can't believe what my little man endured for 4 months of his little life. And what he continues to endure. And its amazing because if you've ever been to Kayleighs blog, she has been through so much, and one simple surgery (g-tube and nissen) she had lack of blood flow to the brain and is now completely brain dead. Jax has a fairly similiar surgery coming up, to get his cecostomy and hopefully his tonsils and adnoids. Now I'm scared to death to have it done. He's had so many surgeries that even heart surgery seems routine, but it never is. You just never know what could happen.
So I'm posting this picture mostly for myself to remember to never take anything for granted. In this pic he had been on the vent for so long that no drugs kept him sedated anymore. This was four days before his brain injury.

Jaxson you are one adorable little guy, love your smile
Yep! Absolutely squeeeezable and kissable ;)
Trina and Jophie
I agree! Jaxson is one adorable, precious little boy! And I will keep him in my prayers, too. As well as little Chase.
YAY for smiles!!! I remember how happy it made me when Gavin started smiling again! I'm so happy for you! Jaxson's smile is the best!!!
I pray that you will find peace as you prepare for this next surgery for Jax! It's always scary, especially when you hear of other sad stories! I'll be praying!
Jax is a fighter!
Oh, and I need a picture of you and the kids for a Mother's Day thing I'm doing....
Jaxson, I just LOVE your smile...You keep on practicing that smile & melt your Momma's heart;)
Oh Lacey, keeping you in my thoughts & prayers...
Happy Mother's Day...You are one Heck of a Mother!!!
Be Blessed!
Sounded like a nail biter of a game to me! Never too young for that! Jaxson does look incredibly cute with that smile!!
Hi Momma...I'd say we're a good 2hrs tops from Boston. If Dillon needs to have his 2nd open heart...we may be headed over there too?? time will tell! Let me know for I'll def make a trip to come see my little Hero;)
Good night!
I feel Lacey,that you never take anything for granted.You are real and honest and you still manage to give back and appreciate all your blessings.I hope you know I never take your friendship for granted or having Jax in our life.He is a blessing.Happy Mother's Day.
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