Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Want to see my view.

So many people commented on my view of the mountains from my last post, so I thought I would go take a couple of pics for you. I never think about the mountains because they've always been in my backyard, but when you stop and look, they really are beautiful. This is looking East.

This is the West side, the mountains aren't as big, but we are also on the bench of them so we are up a little higher looking East.

I have to repost this comment. Stephanie said this when I posted about a rude downs comment. I thought it was so beautiful and perfect I had to let you all see.

"I think the reason that people with down's are so easily targeted is because of who they are..

They are innocent...

They are kind...

They do not have the capacity to condemn...

Most of all they don't understand hatred, it's not a part of their make up. So many people believe that the extra chromosome means that something is wrong with them, but after raising a child with down's it's easy to see that the extra chromosome isn't wrong. It gives them something that I only wish more people had, an unlimited, uninhibited ability to love without fear."

That said, here's a couple of pics of my special little munchkin who still won't leave "the hose in the nose"

And I have to say I have a couple of girls that work in the lab at my peds office that help me with the blankies. They love it, and they are so funny when I bring blankies in for them to do. Thanks to them for their help.

So go make a donation, request a blankie, or just read the stories of the courageous kids that have already recieved their blankie.


Heather said...

You continue to amaze me with your unselfish giving and your friends as well.It is truly a beautiful thing and I consider myself blessed to call you friend.

Junior said...

Wow that view of the mountains from your home is beautiful.
Love reading the blankie stories, you are doing an amazing job.

Anonymous said...

Hi Lacey! Your view is truly spectacular! God is a great artist! Love Jaxson's babygrow - its very cute! Hope you are all well! Megan and Keaton

Loren Stow said...

Wow! I think your view is AWESOME! I love mountains... they are my favourite place to be! I only have a view of my road, my neighbours houses and the sky... 'sniff'

The VW's said...


And, I thought that comment was said perfectly! All so true!

Jaxson, You are so handsome! Someday I need to meet you and give you a big squeeze! And, I don't blame you for wanting that hose out of your nose! HUGS!!!

Oh, and Lacey, I forgot to mention in my comment about chairs that the nap nanny would be great for sleeping for Jax. Especially with his SVC, since it raises his head up. Hopefully he can have his surgery soon and this won't be an issue for him and you any longer. PRAYING!!!

Me said...

Those mountain views are GORGEOUS!

Regina said...

So true what Stephanie said. I have learned to ignore a lot of comments and stares that come my way. I will have to check out the blankie site! What kind of chair is that that Jaxson is sitting in? I have the same problem with the nose prongs!

Anonymous said...

I hope you have a spare room because we are MOVING IN!!!! ha ha......Your view is breath taking,.....I would give up my view of the river for that ANY DAY!!!!!

That's what I miss most about living in Nevada (I lived there for a few years when I was a kid).....All around me was MOUNTAINS....Oh I loved it!!!

The air looks so fresh there too...ha ha :0)

Also, i love all of Jax's onesies.....I just want to gobble him up....He's so cute!

Heather said...

P.S. .... question number 1:inpatient 19 days with the little break as we split round 5/6.Number

lots of choices there!Have a great day Lacey.

Emily said...

Wow... that comment was beautifully said! I love it! I also love living around these beautiful Mountains and take them for granted! You really are an amazing person. In fact... I need to make a donation to your cause!

Hope said...

I love the attitude you have. Your giving nature is inspiring. You are such a great person. Jaxson is adorable. The mountains are beautiful!

Denise said...

Beautiful pics....where do you guys live? I am guessing Colorado or Utah. I am really falling in love with little Jax and feel so bad that he has to go through so much!!! I had the privilege of meeting little miss Preslie (Therklesen Bliss) yesterday. We met up with their family at Sea World and oooh what a doll. I am also looking forward to visiting Miss Zoey (Little Wonders) this coming up Tuesday. What a Blessed week for me!!!

Michelle said...

What an amazing view!!

Shelly Turpin said...

We love those mountains! We lived in Utah while we went to school. My husband was so funny - he had no idea what direction he was facing at night - he couldn't see the mountains! silly.

I love that you have found a ministry for yourself in spite of all that you yourself are going through. I wonder what I will find.

Thanks for the pics! :)

Stephanie said...

To have that beauty in your front yard, Wow! I love the saying on Jax's shirt... goes great with the hair. What you're doing with the blankies is wonderful.

Michelle said...

Wow, that is an awesome view.

I love your hose in the nose

You so inspire me with the blankie outreach.

Keeping you in prayer.

Stephanie said...

Thanks sweetie.

Denise said...

Bummer that we didn't get to meet you when you were here!! When and where is the BBQ in Utah...maybe we will come. We need to meet up with my husband's dad who lives in MT and that is a good halfway point.

Melissa said...

I love the view & I'm SO JEALOUS...LOL!

You are the bomb for making these blankies Lacey!!

Angela Grasso said...

The comment on people with DS is absolutely true. I grew up with two brothers with Downs and that is them 100%. The best kind of people you could ever know! You are doing a GREAT JOB and you are a wonderful advocate for Jaxon. Angi