So many people commented on my view of the mountains from my last post, so I thought I would go take a couple of pics for you. I never think about the mountains because they've always been in my backyard, but when you stop and look, they really are beautiful. This is looking East.
This is the West side, the mountains aren't as big, but we are also on the bench of them so we are up a little higher looking East.
I have to repost this comment. Stephanie said this when I posted about a rude downs comment. I thought it was so beautiful and perfect I had to let you all see.
"I think the reason that people with down's are so easily targeted is because of who they are..
They are innocent...
They are kind...
They do not have the capacity to condemn...
Most of all they don't understand hatred, it's not a part of their make up. So many people believe that the extra chromosome means that something is wrong with them, but after raising a child with down's it's easy to see that the extra chromosome isn't wrong. It gives them something that I only wish more people had, an unlimited, uninhibited ability to love without fear."
That said, here's a couple of pics of my special little munchkin who still won't leave "the hose in the nose"

And I have to say I have a couple of girls that work in the lab at my peds office that help me with the blankies. They love it, and they are so funny when I bring blankies in for them to do. Thanks to them for their help.
So go make a donation, request a blankie, or just read the stories of the courageous kids that have already recieved their blankie.