Jaxson is sick!
Not quite sure what it is.
The last few days I noticed he wasn't tolerating his feeds as well, and has been kind of cranky. Yesterday after his 1:00 feed, he was super cranky, so I vented his belly. I pulled out 70 cc's of formula! That was a half hour after his hour long feed stopped! I talked to my ped and she thought maybe he was backed up a little. As you may remember, Jax bowels don't work at all. I give him a liquid suppository every night to make him go. She said we may not have been getting it all out. So its slowly backed up. So last night we did two. Didn't get much the second time, but I didn't really think that was the problem. I also told her I'm noticing a little more edema on him. You know how he likes to sleep on his face! Well when he wakes up from naps his eye that was down is full of fluid, like it all drained to that side he was laying on. She ordered some labs for today.
I went out with some dance friends to dinner last night, and had a fantastic time!! We always have so much fun together! But when I got home and went to put Jax to bed, he was cranky again. I took his temp and found a low grade fever of 100.8. His sats were lower, I had to turn his oxygen up last night from 2 to 4 liters. I'm not sure if this is a respiratory thing that's just starting different than normal, or if its something else all together. But I'm calling my ped today before we go in to tell her these new developments. I'm sure there are a few more tests she's going to want to add!
Prayers would be appreciated!
1 day ago
Oh Lacey. We're thinking of you guys! Keep us posted.
Praying for sweet Jax, sorry to hear you aren't feeling well buddy. Hope you are better in no time.
Hugs for all of you!
poor jaxson - i hope the labs will indicate a little more about what is going on so you can figure out how to help him feel better! saying some additional prayers (we include jaxson in our prayers with the girls every night before bed) :)
I'll be praying!!!
I usually know that Gavin is about to get sick when he starts getting fussy and gagging and spitting up more. I'm not sure why this is though!
Get better Jax! You and your Momma have lots of planning to do this month! Love and Hugs little buddy!
oh Jax what the heck are you up to now!!!
Sending prayers!!
Praying - and hoping it isn't anything too serious. Keep us posted.
Oh you poor thing. We are praying hard that this is just a little cold he will get over quickly. Our prayers are with you all.
Prayers. Poor little guy. And poor mama who has to deal with it.
Praying that Jax is feeling better soon and that your questions are answered!! Keep us posted!!
Praying for someone to find the problem fast and then get him better even faster.
Praying that Jax is OK and you can find out what's going on. No more tricks jax!=)
Praying praying praying. Glad you were able to get out with some friends!
praying you got some good answers today!
And prayers you get :-)
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