The 24th of July is a Utah holiday. For me its another excuse to have a party! Utah does a huge parade, and my family usually camps out in a fantastic, shady place for watching. This year some went, but a bunch didn't. My mom wasn't going, so I asked the boys, and they didn't care, so we skipped the parade this year. My aunt always has a big family party, and my sister is here from California.
We finally got Jax in the water. He didn't like it as well as I thought. I don't know if it is because its been a long time, I know he doesn't like the sun in his face. So we tried to keep his hat on or Ray blocked the sun from his face!Jax loved lounging on the grass though. He was nice and cool because he was wet, so he just chilled in the shade!
Oh relaxing!
We got an email from Make a Wish. We filled out the online form and they will send it to our doctor to verify. I have absolutely no idea what to do for him. I looked at all the wishes friends have done. He wouldn't use a playground, and he doesn't understand toys or signs. I think a trip is what we will do. I tried to think of things we think he does enjoy. The water, music, and we think he likes the Disney characters. I think we would do Disney World. If they have someplace in Florida that does the dolphin therapy, I think that would be a great thing for Jax. He likes the water, and I think feeling a dolphin would be fun for him! I also hear Disney World is a fantastic wish. That they treat even the siblings like kings, and the boys definitely deserve some pampering!
1 day ago
Discovery Cove lets you swim with dolphins it is awesome but kids have to be 6 years old. Maybe they could make an exception?
I love the pictures, maybe Jax just needs to get used to the water again. I hope you come up with something awesome for his wish.
To answer your question ,the vest is on loan from the company right now. They haven't even filed with the insurance yet, so I have no idea how it will go. I do know that if the insurance denies it they get more letters from Drs and appeal, so we will at least have it for a little while. If the insurance doesn't cover it than it is bye bye vest! I'm so glad he likes it though.
It's so wonderful seeing Jax in the water, I hope in time he gets to enjoy it more and more. It was probably the sun that was bothering him. But love the picturesw.
Wow Ray has your name tatooed on his chest....I'm impressed!!!
Regarding the therapy, I am sure once you start therapy with Makayla you will know everything there is to know regarding the stuff. I can understand with Jax it's been different. For me on the other hand because there is such a lack of expertise in this area here (therapy for children with DS)I have done my own research thanks to the internet, I had the tools sent to me ( and have started the therapy at home. I know they say we should do it together with the therapist but when one doesn't have a speech therapist, well I have to do alot of stuff on my own!
I'm pretty sure there are places in Florida specifically for therapy. I think I found one online once. Don't do Sea World for something like that. It's totally different. Places that do therapy have Doctors who are trainers as well usually. :)
disney world and swimming with the dolphins would be perfect! looks like you had a nice relaxing 24th of July.
Great pictures, love the ones of him relaxing
I think he would love Disney World! Just make sure it's in the winter so it's not too hot ;)
Love this day!! Jax looks like he had a great day swimming and lounging!! I bet he slept good!! Chad and I swam with the Dolphins in Mexico and it is amazing how they connect with the people...there was a pregnant women in our group and the dolphin would stay with her and nuzzle her belly..they were VERY was really cool to see...I bet Jax will have a GREAT time...smiles
The pool and relaxing in the grass both look great!
What a neat post! I love seeing Jax in the water and lounging of course, what a stud!
The Disney World wish sounds perfect! Happy 24th :)
Oh I HOPE yall can swing a trip there as a family!
HE looks pretty chilled out in the pool. sweet pics with daddy!
The pictures are great!!!! I love the one of Ray holding him, shading his face. something about the way he is looking at him. . .
Swimming with the dolphins sounds like a wonderful gift. I hope they let you do that. Good luck with your decision. We can't wait to hear what you decide. :)
I wish we lived closer, id love to meet this little boy!!
He looks so relaxed laying out in the sun and in the pool. Isaac hates the sun too, so we have to block it from his face.
I love the last picture of Jax. Can't wait to hear about your Make a wish
He looks so relaxed! That sounds like the perfect vacation!
Great pics!! We too like to party any chance we get!! Good times for the Utah holidays!
I think we are going to do Disney World for Maggies wish trip too!! Everyone that knows Maggie has told us that this is where we need to go because Maggie loves all the Disney princess' and even drags around a Disney doll everywhere she goes! She also loves all the Disney characters! Our neighbors have a huge blow up Mickey Mouse in their yard and Maggie loves it and freaks out every time she sees it.
Anyway I hope that your appts go well this week ? I think thats when you said they were. I look forward to hearing how they go! I know how you feel about cardiology I'm right there with you!
Lacey, this if my first time commenting on your blog. I just want to tell you how much I had wanted to be at your baby shower!!! My pregnancy is not cooperating well and I had been on my feet too much (I have a blood clot in my leg) so I had to bow out. I really, really, really wanted to come meet Jax and all the special kiddos though. Is there anything I can still do or send you to get ready for your sweet girl? I can imagine how excited you are. I have three boys and am pregnant with a girl. It's so much fun! I wish you the very best and hope we can keep in touch. You are amazing!!! Some day I would also like to talk to you about your son with autism. We are struggling right now with our son with autism, and I don't know many people at all that have autistic kids. Parents are the best form of support.
What fun pictures! Glad you had a good weekend, and congrats on make a wish! We are in the process right now too!
I'll touch base with you about Becky and Heidi being here when I know more!
Love ya
Look at your little guy ... love him so much.His spikey hair is my favorite!
A trip.Yes definitely a trip.Although you know I think you should try for that "other" place.But you are the ultimate Disney lovers so Disney World would be great!
Looks like the boys had lots of fun!! I love that Ray has your name tattooed! ;)
Disney World sounds like it would be a great make a wish...hope it works out!!!
Look at your little studmuffin laying in the shade! What a cutie!
We are thinking of a Disney World trip too. I was hoping to take a trip to visit blogging buddies around the country, but I don't think that will work out.
But, I have a FANTASTIC idea! Maybe the Make-A-Wish foundations from each of our states could work together to let both of our families go at the same time?! Then we would be able to meet each other too! I really want to meet you and Jax some day! Jax is the one child that is so similiar to Gavin and "knowing" you guys has made living this life a little more bearable. Jax and Gavin just have to meet! What do you think? :)
Jax is so cute! Maybe he was just getting used to being in a pool. Lucas has that same hat!! I think the Disney trip sounds like a great wish!
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