Of course I didn't take my camera, that would be to easy! I need to just put my little camera in the diaper bag and leave it there for cute moments! We went to Carters house to play today. Or mostly to make bows and crafty things like that. Kristi helped me with my summer letters I bought a while back, because I don't have any paint or supplies like that. When we move to Cali I plan to have a room for all my sewing, bows, blankies, etc.
Ta da, isn't it so cute?Thanks Carter and Kristi, we had a fun day!
And a little on whats going on with Jax. Really he acts and looks ok. Respiratory he is fine, and he does not have a virus. Its his albumen level that continues to drop. The only symptoms of that is his puffiness. He is also super sleepy, which isn't a sign of low albumen. If it drops below 2 he needs IV replacement. Yesterday it was down to 2.5, and we recheck it on Saturday. We checked his urine today, and his kidneys are fine. Thank goodness, I don't need any more failures. We've had heart failure and respiratory failure, we didn't need to add kidney failure to that! The problem is we still don't know what is causing it to fall. My ped talked to cardiology today and he said heart failure can cause the albumen to drop. Of course heart failure also causes sleepiness. Yikes! Heart failure will also cause his oxygen needs to be up. That may explain why I can't even take him off his O's to bath him without his sats dropping to 75. The good thing is we have an echo and a cardiology appointment on the 26th, so cardiology wants to look closely at his heart and see if something is up with it. I hope not, on the other hand we need to know whats causing his albumen to drop so we can fix it. I can't go out of the county and leave him like this.
1 day ago
Glad you had a good afternoon with Kristi & Carter. Sorry we didn't make it. Hopefully we'll be over our snotty noses soon & we can do another bow day :)
I love the "SUMMER" letter craft! Great job!
Thinking of you and Jax often, and praying that answers and solutions may be found soon! Love, Hugs and Prayers!!!
I love your letters! So cute!!! Now if Mr. Jax could just get his levels up it would be awesome!! I hope you get answers soon!! REALLY wish that you guys were in Cali right now so we could see each other!! I am so excited about meeting all of the girls!
i am happy to know that you have a cardiology appt coming up very soon and hopefully they can give you more information about why his albumen levels have dropped and why he needs more o2! sorry to hear that he still is not quite feeling the best and is sleepy!
love your "summer" letters! hope the bow making was fun!!!
oh goodness. I hope cardiology has some answers. That sounds scary!
How goes your dossier translation?
Very cute! I'm glad you had a good time with your friend.
I hope Jax's issue can be found out easily. Praying it is not heart failure.
Love the "summer" letters! Darling! Always keeping sweet Jaxson in our prayers...
Your SUMMER letters are AWESOME!! I love the "U" especially. Praying that a solution to the albumen problem is figured out soon.
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