Today I went to sweet Kristen's funeral. Its a beautiful day to celebrate this sweet girl. I had to sit out in the hall of the church, another reason why having a trach is so fun! I had a hard time finding the church so I missed the viewing, but I wanted to make sure Polly knew we were there. Lucky for me, they walked right past us into the chapel. Polly saw me and immediately walked to me and we hugged. Hugged for two moms going through the same things. She looked great, and at peace that her precious daughter is finally pain free.
Jax showed us again that he is the boss, I tried bolus feeds for the first time today after slowly going up. Bad idea, he leaked all the way through his clothes at the funeral. And of course this dumb momma didn't have an extra shirt in the diaper bag. You'd think I'd learn after many leaky accidents! It just made me chuckle, our kids continue to show us that they are in charge! That they are stronger than we could ever be!
Blessings to the Kirton family, and especially my dear friend Polly!!
1 day ago
Glad you made it. I didn't attempt with 2 loud little ones. I should have come sit in the hall with you!
I came to your blog quite awhile ago and haven't been back. I see you comment on Polly/Kristen's blog and instantly recognized your cute boy today. He is SO cute! We thought he looked like a little stud hanging out with his shirt off. I'm glad I got to see him even for a quick minute. It's funny how you feel like you know someone just by recognizing them from blogland. I'll be sure to follow your blog more regularly now. Have you had your yard sale yet? I have some stuff, but it's in Lehi and I'm on bed rest until my little guy comes. I'd love to help donate some things for the yard sale if I can. Let me know.
I haven't checked blogs since Monday...we are still on vacation and I had no idea about Kristen! I am so heartbroken for her wonderful family! Glad you were able to go to her funeral. I'll be thinking of her sweet family! (I think that I should stop going away on vacation.....on our last big vacation, last summer, another sweet blogging buddy passed away!)
Love those pics of Jax below! What a cutie!!! HUGS!!
I've been praying for strength for Kristen's family. Glad you got to lend your support to the family.
I am so glad you were able to attend Kristen's funeral. Many prayers continue for their family.
oh, sad I didn't know about Kristen. I have been following her blog for sometime now. I don't know if I told you or not but I have a new blog the address is
That is so wonderful for Polly that you made it to the funeral, the support she feels around her is going to help with the healing.
Btw those are certainly some scrumptous pictures of Jax sleeping, yes they do look so peaceful when they sleep, I just so love those cheeks. Kiss them from me please!
So sorry to hear about Kristen. We will keep her family in our prayers, but will rejoice that she is now pain free and can celebrate with our Father in heaven.
As for Jax, even though they can't talk it is funny how they can definately tell us when they don't like something when we try it.
To be honest I really don't know much about the spat that happened. Sam was born I believe after that all happened. Since Suzie was president we have only had just one new one, Ann Marie. I know that they don't plan the Buddy Walk though, it's delegated to the Salt Lake Chapter President. I went to the last years Buddy Walk and I hear it wasn't as great as years past but I do know that the Salt Lake County President who put it on was trying to get help from other parents in the planning and she wasn't getting anyone to step up and help her at least that is what I heard. I know it was her first time doing a Buddy Walk and she was really stressed as how and what to do. I know she also was really struggling with her son at the time who I think has since been diagnosed with Autism as well, so I am sure her whole heart was not into the planning of the Buddy Walk so that might be why it didn't turn out as well as years past. I to have had some frustrations with the State group level as well so that is why I just focus on Weber/Morgan county as their President and do my best to have fun activities but it's hard when you are so busy with your family/work etc. I know that Laurel who is the new Salt Lake County president is really trying to bring SL county together. She has a huge list of people who she is trying to find and make sure she has correct info on. She is working really hard to make the Buddy Walk this year a success, so if you know of any Mom's or Dad's who want to get involved and help out I am sure she would welcome any help she can get. We did get a new website up and working at and it has each chapter on their seperately and the activities that are going on.
Know your presence meant the world to this friend and that you'll be a source of support and strength in the coming months!
Oh so nice of you to go and give your support to Polly. I wish I lived closer.Yes our kiddo's always show us who is boss:)
Hi Lacey,
Ive been following your blog for awhile now. Jaxon is adorable.
We have 5 children, our oldest child we adopted at age three, she has mild global delays, then had 4 biological children. Our youngest has DS, complex heart defects (post 3 caths and 3 open heart surgeries) and has other health issues, airway issues ( subglotic stenosis from cysts/scaring/intubations) and thyriod disfuntion, he also has transient leukemia at birth, which we Thank God, never morphed into AML.
He is doing well now, seems we have everything under control and we are simply maintaining!
Not a day goes by that we dont thank the Lord for our gifts of all our children. We never take their health or safety for granted. I love being a mom, love my kids, love love love them!
And you are right, Jaxon looks YUMMY, those toes just scream, eat me...and the little ears, too!
Feel free to read about Will, He has a carepage named HeWill.
I will keep praying for Jaxon, your typical kiddos too, and your baby girl...precious girl, waiting for her mommy.
We are so lucky! What did we do to deserve such sweeties.
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