My mind is fried today. I'm not sure if I should scream or sob, or maybe just punch a wall! My dossier (paperwork) is done except for one measly paper. I was told I could still send in my dossier for them to start translating while we wait for that one paper. Well I just found out today that her country is taking a break to catch up on the paperwork they already have so they are not accepting dossiers July 1-15. Which means we won't be submitted until after the 15th. I'm crushed. At this rate we may not even get to her before her 1st birthday, and I was ready to start planning a big birthday bash for her when we got home! So much for the summer clothes I bought her, by the time she comes home it will be fall. My nurse that was going to come and stay with the boys starts school the end of August. He may be able to help here and there, but now I have to figure out who can watch Jax for that length of time. I guess things were just going too good with this adoption, and the s*#t had to hit the fan at some point.
I'm taking a short break from blogging. I need to clear my head. It probably will just be the weekend, which I guess is not much of a break. But I need to save your ears from listening to me complain, so my hubby will be the lucky receiver of the complaining this weekend. My sink is torn apart so we can replace the garbage disposal, and my computer is acting up. I can usually get on but if I try to open up a new window, like I do when I check friends blogs, it freezes. I don't know whats wrong with it and I don't have the energy to fight it.
You can still order bows, and still buy tickets for the MP3 player, that closes on the 30th and we draw the name on the 1st.
Thank you to everyone to be so supportive and such good friends to me!
2 days ago
Oh dear, hugs to you friend. There is a reason for the timing! It will be ok.
She will still love a birthday bash whenever she gets here.
We will pray for peace & quickness in this whole adoption.
Oh Lacey, I'm so sorry. You know you can still have a huge bash when you get her here, even after her real birthday! She will be much celebrated no matter when. I am sure it will all fall into place, as much stress as it is causing now. ((hugs))
I understand taking a break. Text me or call me if you need someone to yell at! :)
I hope the break does you good and you can come back refreshed and ready to takle the world. It WILL all happen like it is supposed to, but that doesn't help clear things up for you now. God bless you and your family and bring you the ability to see His hand in all things (that's the really hard part!).
I'm so sorry! You must be heartbroken! Praying it all works out great in the end! Hang in will happen when it's supposed to happen. Hope you have a great weekend despite this bad news! Love, Hugs and Prayers!!!
I'm so sorry about these latest developments. No matter when she gets here, she's going to be the luckiest girl ever to have such an amazing family!
Ugh. So sorry about the delays. It's such a hurry up and wait game!
lots of hugs Lacey, praying that things get moving along.
I would go ahead with that birthday bash even if it isn't close to her real birthday.
roadblocks. just hate them. it will all work out in the end but gosh i'm sure this is so disappointing.
Ugh that sounds very frustrating and upsetting since you had everything planned so well. Hugs to you. You will just have to plan a bigger homecoming party now. Take care.
so sorry to hear that the s*%t seems to be hitting the fan! that is NOT what you need --- sending hugs and positive thoughts!!!! thinking of you, lacey and hoping the weekend goes well and this coming week is a better one!
oh I can't imagine the disappointment in finding that out :( I'm so sorry this is happening right now and that it'll delay you going over there. Praying for you!
Lacey, I'm so sorry you have hit this major road block. It is so hard understanding God's reasons sometimes.
Hang in there and remember you have a precious little girl who is waiting for your love at the end of all of these hardships.
Praying for you!
I'm so sorry Lacey! I'm crying for you if that makes you feel any better. Things will come in their own due time, but at least you have found her and know that she is yours. I would not even give up on the birthday bash, so what if it is a belated birthday bash she is going to need one. You are awesome! Keep your chin up girl!
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