I'm feeling much better. I talked to the girl over all of the adoptions in Makayla's country, and she said my dossier can still be translated while the SDA is closed. I didn't know that, the other girl made it sound like I didn't even need to worry about sending my dossier until the 14th. So we may only be delayed a week, if that. Crisis averted! Although we may still be gone when the boys start school, which would really suck! And my nurse friend may not be able to stay with them the whole time because he starts school as well. We may have multiple people watching the boys while we are gone. I have had many people offer to take Jax, to even learn how to take care of him so they can help us. Thank you to all of my great friends!
I'm a little concerned about Jax. Its just that mommy feeling we all have. His color is yucky. In his blue bedroom he looks really blue! And he is much more lethargic than normal. Nobody would even notice these changes if you weren't with him every day. They are very subtle changes. But changes that can be big things. His oxygen needs have not gone up yet, although he plummets his sats when you take his oxygen off even for a second. So it may be a respiratory thing brewing, or it may be something much more nasty, and harder to find. Like a blood clot in his lungs or heart. When we tried to redo labs Friday they were unable to get blood. Of course! My ped is against putting a port in Jax, she thinks the infection risk is to high. But what else do you do when you have zero access? So tomorrow may bring tests to figure out if something is going on. We are going up to our condo in Park City next weekend for the 4th. And although its only an hour away from home, and probably the same distance to the hospital, I want everything figured out before we go up there!
Glad to hear that you are feeling better. Love the pics of the boys together. I really hope that your mummy hunch is wrong. I will keep my fingers crossed and pray that all is good.
I'm glad the adoption won't be postponed as long as you had feared! That is great news. :)
I hope that Jax is just throwing you for a loop, and nothing serious is brewing.
I sent you a picture of Peanut with her Minnie bows on, but it was crappy. She refused to let me take her picture. They don't show up well in a photo, because her hair is so dark. I will try again soon! :)
Love the pics of the boys together, can't wait for Makayla to be in the mix too.
Praying for Jax!
Try to relax and enjoy your get away.
It's best to have a plan for all events. Sounds like despite the hiccups with your paperwork that things are still progressing. Our prayers continue.
I hope that Jax is OK. Sometimes us Mama's just know when someting isn't quite right. Hopefully he's just making sure that you're paying attention:) I know I probably mentioned this before, but the port was one of the best decisions we made.
I'm glad you are feeling better. I can only imagine how fatiguing it is to have all the I's dotted and T's crossed. Definitely trust your mommy sense on the Jax front, although I'm sure you've learned that by now. That feeling is way better than spidey sense. Tomas has bevome a VERY difficult stick as of late and there was brief talk of putting a port in during the last hosital stay, but I told them I'd like to see if it is just a freak thing or going to last. It would take a major effort to get blood and then many times it clotted before it got to the lab, and they couldn't get blood through the IV either, it wouldn't draw back. It was torture for him and me every morning. Has Jax always been that way?
glad things sound like they are going to keep "moving ahead" on the adoption front even while the offices are closed for the first part of july! sorry to hear that jaxson seems to be more lethargic and "blue"... the mommy instinct is usually right - so hopefully the drs can help you figure it out! have a great time at your condo in park city!! sounds like a great time :)
So glad to hear you have good news on the adoption!
Those pictures are so cute of the boys~Prayers that Jax!
Hope Jaxson gets feeling better!
Hope The adoption keeps moving forward as planned.
and Hope I get to see you again some time! -it was wonderful to see you at the movie!
Glad things are smoothing out in relation to the adoption. What a headache, but so totally worth it when you get your girl home!
I hate the subtle changes for the worse in our kids. It is so nerve wracking. I pray that Jax is fine and you can enjoy your holiday weekend with your family. Hang in there.
I just LOVE the pictures of the boys. How sweet! So glad you're feeling better. The whole adoption process must be so stressful! I can't even imagine! I hope everything is okay with Jax. I'll be thinking of him (and you!) Good luck. . . with everything!
Glad to read that you were able to advert that crisis!
The allergy crud around is whacking with Parker's lungs big time. Maybe the same with Jax?
Lots of prayers for the adoption to keep moving forward and for more answers for sweet Jax!
hey luv...keep me posted! You know where to find me and we are here another day. Prayers you get some answers ! Love you and thanks so much for the visitthe other day. You are a dear friend that iam forever grateful for.
I hope our Jax is OK. Please keep us up to date. Glad the adoption stuff is still moving forward. I was foolish and looked at Reeces Rainbow again today. I even pulled out my dossier - and my I600a expired on May 18th. Oh well. :) I will have to live vicariously through you :)
Glad you are feeling a little better! Hope Jax is doing well! Cute pics of your boys with him! Love and Hugs!!!
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