Today has been a good day! Finally!
Jax color seems to be a bit better. Who knows what that boy was doing, but with such precarious health we have to be extra careful when he seems "off". My ped called today from home to check on him. She is the only regret I have about moving out of state. I absolutely love her, and she knows Jax just about as well as I do! She'll be getting a lot of phone calls from our new ped after we move, thats for sure!
If you didn't see on the adoption blog, I talked to my social worker today and she agreed to take the annuity off the home study. This is good news because that was the one document we were having problems getting notarized, now I don't even have to worry about it! So tomorrow I go pick up my adjusted home study, and off to the capital to have the whole dossier apostilled. Then it will be sent off to Eastern Europe!
Then this weekend we go just an hour away from home, but it feels like a lifetime away. Up in the beautiful mountains to our cute little condo. Its about the same distance to the hospital as our house so I feel comfortable that we can get Jax there quick if we need to.
My mom and aunt both have a time share condo that we always get over the 4th of July weekend. My family will be there, and Ray doesn't have to be back to work until Tuesday. So adoption paperwork is done and we can totally relax!
So grateful to have this special boy in my life!
1 day ago
Enjoy your weekend!
Glad to hear Jax is doing better! He is such a cutie!
Yay on the adoption paperwork getting done!
Have a great weekend! Hugs!!!
So happy for you Lacey. I really hope you all ahve a great weekend and can relax.
Good catching up today.
So glad Jax is doing better and I am jealous about your upcoming weekend.Sounds fabulous and well deserved.
Hope you have a relaxing and wonderful 4th of July weekend!! You guys deserve it! Glad he wasn't admitted the other day:-)
Love this pic of Jax... he is so sweet! Glad to hear that he's doing better too!
Such great news about Jax doing better and the paperwork! YAHOO! Enjoy the mountains.
I don't even know what an annuity is, but glad that you will be able to send everything off. :)
So grateful Jax is doing better.
Bella has started putting her thumbs (both at the same time) into her mouth! Every time she does it reminds me of Jax :)
Just the face I needed to see! Good morning sweet boy!
Phoenix loves his Mickey Ears, thank you so much! I will get a pic posted soon!
Hope you guys have a great weekend!
you never cease to amaze me! I cried when I saw those cute pics of your other boys laying with jax and kissing him! How precious!!!
Lacey, that is a fantastic picture of Jaxson! He looks great. I'm glad to hear his coloring is better and he is feeling good.
I hope you have a great weekend!
I'm so glad to hear Jax is more himself again today! Have a fantastic and *relaxing* weekend. You sure deserve it.
What a handsome little man you have! So thankful that he is doing better and that you can actually have a weekend to just sit back relax and breath a little.
Have a great time!
Yay!! Sounds like some relaxing in your very near future!! Woohoo!
Lacey- Email me at and i can email you pix of the new hme. Colton tolerates much better and doesn't yank the o2 off nearly as much!
So glad you guys had a good day!! I love those!! Praying for ours to come soon enough.
And the heart monitor is AWESOME. I love how it just clips right on her. Its so funny how I get excited over awesome medical equipment ahh!
So happy to hear that Jax has his colour back in his face and that he's feeling better.
Enjoy your weekend away, gosh what i would do for a few days off.
That's a beautiful picture of Jax you have posted, yes he's certainly looking well.
OH I am always so glad to hear when Jax is feeling better! Now go out and enjoy the weekend!
It was a test that is optional and Matt wanted to do it. It tests for other things too, but I don't remember haha. I missed the first test cause I was too far along. I wouldn't let them stick a huge needle in my belly either...I think I'd cry haha
Enjoy your weekend away!!
What a nice peaceful picture of Jax. Hope you have a wonderful, relaxing weekend. you deserve it!!!!
This kid. My heart. One and the same.
Tammy and Parker
@ParkerMama on Twitter
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