My computer is still acting up. Everything I can do I'm doing from my phone, which means going to other blogs is impossible. So if it seems like I'm ignoring you, I promise its not on purpose. I'm ready to throw the computer out the window. Its only my internet, it freezes, but I'm still able to move my mouse around. I called Comcast, and she said its internet explorer, and that I should reinstall it or switch to another browser. But she had no idea how to do that! Ok, you installed this when you did my internet, so shouldn't you fix it?
I have no idea how to fix it, and if I take it to the Geek Squad they charge like 80 bucks just to look at it!
Oh, and another thing, now my dishwasher is dead! Fate must know its getting closer to when we travel to get Makayla, because he's throwing all kinds of expensive things at us!
2 days ago
I HATE Comcast. I think the first line in their customer service training manual must say, "When a customer calls to say there's a problem, blame their computer, their home's wiring, their bad hair day, whatever, just not a problem on our end." Stick to your guns, and keep asking for supervisors until you find one that will listen to you and do something about it.
Sorry about your dishwasher, too. :-( When it rains it pours.
can you get online and download "firefox" that is the internet browser i use... just wondering if that would help you at all? so sorry for your computer problems - that is the WORST (it is such a necessary evil, isn't it!) and now your dishwasher???!!! thinking of you!
Hang in there Lacey.....better days are ahead!! Just think...Mackayla:)
I hate Firefox, but I agree with the above commenter - try downloading it and see if it works?
Computer problems are so infuriating!!! I'm sorry you are having to deal with this! And, having to wash dishers by hand too?! UGH!!!
Hope things get better soon! Praying Jax is more like himself again and behaving himself! Love and Hugs!!!
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