These three angels stories are on the blankie blog. Trust me, you want to read them. Some amazing stories this time! From sweet Makenzie who suffered a brain injury from choking on a goldfish cracker! And an amazing cancer survival story! Check them out!

And still no word from DCSF.
Surprised? Nope, me neither!
Surprised? Nope, me neither!
New Update
I just got a call from DCSF. Its a no go with our baby girl. One thing's for damn sure, I'm never dealing with DCSF ever, EVER again. The case worker said they placed her with a women that has some license to take kids with neuro problems. So now your telling me I have to have a license to raise a neuro kid? So having my own neuro kid doesn't mean anything? Having my CNA and working in a childrens hospital doesn't mean anything? I feel like they totally strung me along. They knew they were going to place her with a specialist, yet they still wanted my home study. Thats why I'm done with DCSF. Its not worth not having to pay to adopt, and getting the free medicaid for them because they are state children. I have fantastic insurance. My boys are going to be crushed! Thats partly my fault, I guess I shouldn't tell them until I know for sure. Now who knows how long it will take to get my baby! The case worker wants me to get my foster license so they can use us in the future. No thanks, I can only take so much heartbreak, and I don't need to do your dumb classes to tell me how to parent. I'm probably already a better parent than your classes teach!
So sorry friend.I know how badly you wanted Star.I know one thing as well and that is that your baby girl is out there waiting for you.We have to believe in timing.His.Not ours.Sending you lots of love today as your heart recovers.And it will.Promise.For now ... just think ... California is calling.Beach,Disneyland,Miss Zoey... that will help you heel.
Heading over to meet the new blankie kids.
What precious kiddos and what beautiful blankies!!!
Sorry to hear about the adoption heartache! This is why I'm not sure about adoption some seem to need lots of patience and a hard heart at times.
Like Heather said, timing is everything...God has this all figured out already and this time it was not meant to be. Sorry it is so frustruating and painful for you. Love and Hugs!!!
I'm so, so, sorry about not getting your baby girl. We've never heard anything about ours. It's so frustrating, but at least now you have your answer and can open up to other avenues that you might not have otherwise. They opened the door that you were peeking out of, so you can see that baby girl of yours when the time is right.
Sorry to hear this news. Although, I'm a firm believer that everything happens for a reason. I believe you will find your little girl. One who will fit perfectly into your very wonderful family.
Keep the faith. We all know you're a darn good, no..fantastic mom!
Stupid. Sorry you have had to put up with the whole run around. Did they just want you to foster in the end?
There is a girl out there for you. I know. And when you find her you may be too tired to even cry happy tears, but it will have been worth it all. Keep your chin up!
Oh Lacey, I can feel the disappointment and upset in your typing. I am so sorry that DCFS strung you along that way. :( I know that YOUR little girl is out there somewhere, waiting for you!! This was not the one.
Hang tight. It will turn out the way it is supposed to.
I can't wait to see you at Disneyland!
Oh Lacey - how disappointing! They definitely seemed to put you through the mill for no reason.
I hope your upcoming trip to California will help take your mind of things a little. I'm sure there is a little girl out there waiting for you.
I'm so sorry dear Lacey. We all know how badly you wanted this baby girl. I just know that special little girl is out there waiting for you. You WILL find each other, I have no doubt. HUGS!
Sweet pictures of all of those little angels.
SO sorry about the news. I hear horrible things about DCFS.
Oh... by the way... I am SO SORRY that they playgroup landed right during his appointment! I was hoping it would be early morning so that you could come... BUMMER!
You are a good parent! I am so sad that this was a no go. Some where out there (should be your new theme song) there is a little girl to be born or has been already who is waiting for your sweet, and kind heart to snatch her up into your arms. Keep looking, don't give up, she's counting on you!
Hi Lacey, I have followed your blog for a few months and just read about your sweet baby. We go to church with a beautiful family in AZ that has 3 bio ds children and then about a year ago adopted a baby with ds. I would love for you to talk to them about their experience. The adoption was not through the state. Please email me at
Ahhh! I know Kenzie and her momma very well! Small world eh? ;)
Lacey, If I could give you a baby girl I would, but like you all i seem to produce is boys lol. You'll get your little girl. just keep praying and hugging your lil men tight.
So very sorry. Also why we stir clear of them.
Your girl is out there. And you are ready now. She'll come home.
I am so sorry about your little girl.Wow, it is amazing someone with a license is better than someone living it...I am so sorry!
We love our blanket and brought it to the hospital last week. So many ask about your sweet Jaxson.
So sorry to hear about your disappointment. Your little girl is out there somewhere. Even though the waiting is difficult, know that she will come to you when the time is right. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
I'm so sorry to hear about your experience wth DCFS. From everyone else's comments it sounds like a common thing. That is the saddest part of this story. All those children out there needing homes and really good families who won't meet them because of a really bad agency. Just horrible.
On the bright side though I am SO happy to hear Libby has pulled through - even just a little bit. That is great news indeed.
Your blankets are just lovely and it is very touching to read the stories that go along with them.
Oh Lacey ever so sorry to hear the sad news about the baby girl... really not fair especially when you really had your hopes so high and heart so set on her. Be strong and patient you will get the most precious beautiful little girl when the time is right, and I have a feeling something great is going to happen soon. Sorry you are having to go through this right now and feeling terrible for the boys as well but stay positive it's going to happen!
Lacey, I am truly sooooo sorry. I know you have to be so disappointed. Like Heather, I know your baby girl is out there, and when you meet her you will know why this one wasn't the one.
Prayin for ya honey!
oh I'm so, so frustrated for you with DCSF! I can't believe they let you continue working on the homestudy and all of that with the knowledge that you WANTED this baby girl from the get go :( I'm really sorry it didn't work out :( Sending you hugs and prayers.
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