I've picked myself up and dusted myself off! Now the real hunt begins! The hunt to find my baby girl! I've sent my home study to Spence Chapin and Adopt America, and I'm going to look up adoption lawyers and send letters to them. I will put our name with Robin Steele, knowing that there is already a huge waiting list with her. We will find her. I've put the girl stuff up that I bought. I'm not even looking at it until I have a girl in my arms!
A lot of people asked why I don't do Reeces Rainbow. We just can't do international. I love those kids, and I want to bring all of them home, but there's no way we can afford it for one, and the other, we can't leave Jax here for that long while we go pick the child up. Its not like I can leave him with grandma, we would have to pay a nurse to take care of him. The cost for that would be phenomenal!
In the next few days I'm going to have a raffle to raise money for our adoption. I wish I had a face to raise money for, but of course we don't have that yet! There will be baby legs, blankets, and DS calenders, just to name a couple things!
Now tomorrow night me and Ray are going out. I need a date night!
2 days ago
Yes you do need a date night! We are going on one too! :) We'll will have a drink with ya. ;P
Are you wanting a little girl with DS? Have you contacted Cincinnati Down syndrome Association? Just wondering.
That really sucks about DCF. We had something similar happen to us. There is a reason - not that it makes it any better right now. Your little girl is out there somewhere. :)
Hugs to all of you!
Stpeh and Christopher.
Good for you in continuing your search for that little girl. I know God has her all picked out for you. She is going to be one blessed little girl to be in your family.
So happy you get a date night. Enjoy!!!
You deserve that date night. My heart aches for you. I can't imagine how you feel. You will find the little girl that is meant to be in your home.
Yay yay yay for date night! You guys deserve one.
SO sorry about the DCSF problems with the little girl. (I am just now getting around to reading all the blogs I have slacked on all week) That is so unfair. I am glad you have picked yourself up and are starting over. Your strength amazes me!
I am praying for you, Jax, your family and the little girl who waits to be brought home to you. You'll find her soon, I just know it.
Have a great weekend!
Happy to hear your more content today!
I'm with you on international adoptions. We were actually very interested in Lera. I even had all the forms to fill out from RR. But, then Carly scared the crap out of us on the very night I got the paper work. There is no way I can leave her in the care of my mother, who is no spring chicken ;O) to trudge off to another country. So, we hope and pray some day we can bring a child who needs a family and love, into our home.
Have fun on your date night. You will find a baby girl...I just know it.
You go and have a great date night...can't think of anyone who needs it more, and yes can't see how you could ever leave Jax and go trudging off to a foreign country..the money part one can overcome but there are too many other issues to think of, I am sure you will find your girl right there where you are and that's a day each one of us here are looking forward to!
A date night is just what you need. In fact I could use one myself. You'll find your girl.
That a girl! Keep standing and keep looking! She is out there somewhere waiting for you!
I drool when I go to Reece's Rainbow.....I want them all, but that wouldn't be an option for our family either, for the same reasons that you mentioned.
I am SO with you on the date night! We are actually headed out tonight as well! YAHOO! Have fun! Love and Hugs!!!
So sorry to hear about your adoption situation. There is a little girl out there for you and will be sent at just the right time. She will be such a lucky girl to have a great mom like you!
You deserve a date night!!! Have a wonderful time! And way to go about picking yourself back up! That's the right attitude! :)
Good luck on finding your little girl
Oh I am so sorry about the adoption falling through for that sweet girl. Somewhere out there is a girl just waiting to be in your family - you will find her. I can't imagine what it must feel like to get that close and then to have it fall through. Maybe there is a darling baby girl out there who has down syndrome that you would just love - who knows?
And I am catching up on your last posts - I love your videos of Jax - what a fun Valentines present. The one where he gets sad is so cute - I just want to give him a great big love!
And we too are pretty sure we will not have to buy summer clothes for Carter either - certainly does save money!
I'm glad you're picking yourself up. I can't imagine how hard it must be. You WILL find your baby girl. Have a fun date night!
I have some fabric that I'd like to donate for your blankies. Let me know if you want it.:)
Yay, date night! You definately deserve that Lacey! Enjoy! and I know God has a plan for each and everyone of us...and when that baby girl arrives into your family...that will be the time! You are an amazing, strong woman who I admire so much! I know we have not met in person, but just after a few months of reading posts on your blog and FB, I feel like you are one of my heros! And little Jax too! Hang in there and have a safe trip to CA! Wish I was meeting up with you all this time, hopefully next time around?
I'm so glad you came over to our blog! I was asking Kristin where you and Jaxson were cuz she mentioned you might be able to come! But I look forward to meeting you EVENTUALLY though! We'll be moving up there sooner or later so we will for sure get together so I can finally meet sweet Jaxson! And hopefully a little sister of his by then, too! :)
I'm so glad you came over to our blog! I was asking Kristin where you and Jaxson were cuz she mentioned you might be able to come! But I look forward to meeting you EVENTUALLY though! We'll be moving up there sooner or later so we will for sure get together so I can finally meet sweet Jaxson! And hopefully a little sister of his by then, too! :)
I had no doubt that you would be picking yourself up and dusting yourself off and looking to that which is definitely waiting for you.A little girl.Waiting.for the right time.Love to you all.Enjoy date night... two weeks and counting!!!!
I'm sorry about the baby girl, but like I said, everything happens for a reason. I believe that, and it helps things make a little more sense sometimes. Have a fun date ;)
Hey Lacy, I just wanted to throw out that I make shirts for kiddos. I gave made one for Jaxson for his Bday. I would love to donate some to help you raise money for your adoption. Let me know what you think. Hats off to you for moving forward. I hope you are all having a great day!
Just cathcing up after a long time. Sorry to hear about the adoption with the little girl. That really sucks. I am positive that you are an amazing mother and that a special little girl will find you one way or another and will love to have you as her mommy. Hang in there.
I know your little girl is out there getting ready to meet you...hold onto that hope luv! So glad we got to have dinner with you guys. You guys are a light for me, so thank you for all the laughs and smiles! Hang in there friend and I am always here for anything and everything!
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