Sorry, I once again don't have any pics of Jax to post. Thanks for your prayers for my Libby, I haven't heard anything today. I text her once this morning and didn't get a response. I will wait until she texts me. If she's lost her love I need to let her grieve and tell me in her own time, even though it is killing me.
Jax had another great day, he's getting back to his old self, squirming around in his bed until I finally laid it flat and moved the pillows so he can roll a little! I mentioned to them this morning that if he's able to stay off the vent all night can we just go home from PICU? The attending was a little nervous, she was like, "do you have help". Hello, whats the difference from normal? I take care of him everyday! Duh people.
Its crazy how being in the PICU for more than a couple of days brings back memories. I don't know how I did this for 120 days! I have been starting to go crazy wanting him home after just 11 days, how ever did I do it? Plus not holding them for long periods of time when they are just to sick to get out of bed. I went months without holding Jax, and 5 days of not holding him was making me crazy! I'm just glad he did so well this time. Yes, he was critically ill, requiring mechanical ventilation and showing how sick he really is, but his pressures stayed up, avoiding art lines and pressers. And we got IV's in him, avoiding central lines and those infections!
So I'm going up to the hospital tomorrow prepared to bring my little man home, we have a lot to do. Our background checks finally came back, so tomorrow we can fax our home study to DCSF. So hopefully this week we can go meet this baby girl! Also we have a trip to get ready for! Jax is so excited to see his girlfriend Zoey for her birthday! And play in Disneyland with them, Ella, and Peanut! Could it get any better?
2 days ago
Oh I hope you get to go home tomorrow! We will pray for that! And we will also add our prayers for Libby - we hope she is doing better - poor girl.
It was good to see you today - Jax really did look good. Can't wait to hear more on what DCFS has to say!!
Does libby have a website where we can send thoughs, prayers and wishes?
So happy to hear Jax is feeling better...and can't wait til you get him home...Prayers are being said for Libby and her family.
I so wish I could meet up with you all at Disneyland...don't think we are going to be able to make it down there this go around...but I know someday hopefully we will get to meet. Have a great time! Can't wait to see all the pics!
such wonderful news, yeahhhh Jax way to go buddy. Big hugs
God answers Prayers!!!! Couldn't get any better :D
Great news, I do hope you guys get to go home tomorrow, praying that it happens.
Praying for Libby and her family.
Hoping and praying that home will be where we hear from you next.loved catching up today and we can't wait to see you guys.So proud of your fighter boy ... once again he shows us what a tough little guy he is.
It would be wonderful if y'all could get home today. How does he do it? He is amazing.
My prayers continue for Libby's family.
Here's hoping, hoping, hoping you get to go home!!!! I honestly don't know how you do it all. You're amazing. I"m excited FOR YOU and your vacation. You all deserve it! (I'm a little jealous too - I"m dying to meet you and that sweet little angel of yours!) My thoughts and prayers are with Libby and her family.
So glad Jax is doing better! I'm crossing my fingers you get to go home today! I love your attitude about it all. Even though your baby is in the PICU, you keep your head high and look forward to the good to come. Thanks for the updates!
So good to hear that Jax is feeling better. I'm sure you can't wait to be in the comfort of your own home:) Fingers crossed that that is where you will be today! Prayers and positive energy for Libby and family will continue.
YAY FOR THE PROSPECT OF HOME!!!!! I'm so happy to hear that he is doing so well! What a blessing! Great job keeping up the fight Jax! LOVE, HUGS AND PRAYERS!!!
Sounds like you have some beautiful days coming your way.
Days you and your family sooooo deserve. Get that baby boy home!
he is a fighter! I am glad he is doing better. when are you guys going to disney land? we are going for mariah's birthday on feb. 28th and we will be there through march4th.
Oh, I am so glad you are getting him home, and just in time for Disneyland! I wish I could go:)
We do get used to being home and having things status quo, don't we! I am SO glad that you get to go home. WOOHOO Jaxson!!
So glad Jax is doing so well. Hope you are driving him home now! Packing for Disney what could be more fun and prayerfully that sweet little girl will be going with you.
really good news to read that Jax is getting better and hopefully going home. continued prayers for everyone
Good news!! We cant wait to see you!!
Oh you have SO MUCH to look forward to! IM excited with you just thinking of it all! We cant wait to see pics of this little one in PINK!!!!
Do ya'll have a name already?
I'm so sorry Jax has been so sick and is hospitalized :( Praying praying praying for him to get well soon!
also praying for Libby!
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