Monday, February 15, 2010

Videos of Jax

This first video, in the beginning, you can see Jax talking, you just can't hear him with that darn trach. But he's talking up a storm! He's not smiling as good as he was earlier, but in the middle of the video when daddy starts talking to him he gives a great smile!

This second video is Ray trying to get Jax to smile. Still not the greatest smiles, but you get a great look at his pucker face. Daddy scared him and made him cry! Its so sad, but so cute! And you can see his lovely blue lips he gets when he cries!

Oh and also, mommy trying to get used to her new camera:)


ScottNLili said...

oh!! i love the videos! he is such a cute little guy, with a tender side! poor daddy's sometimes don't know when to stop!

Emily said...

Cute videos! He sure is telling a story, isn't he!

Team Carter Jay said...

I <3 it! He's so precious!

Kristin said...

LOVE that smile in the first video... and his cute little cry even though it's sad.

Anonymous said...

Hello my friend, sorry its been a week since I checked in, my internet was down! So happy little Jax is home and that things are on fast forward for your little princess! What a wonderful gift from Ray! WoW - thats so awesome! God bless, megs and keaton

Alison said...

Gorgeous smiles!!

The VW's said...

Thanks for the big smile that is now on my face! :)

Jax is such a handsome guy and he is such a joy to this world!

Thanks for sharing! Love and Hugs!!!

Stephanie said...

Love that SMILE!!!!! Jax looks so good. I can't believe how he bounces back, what a strong boy.

That lip!!!!!! Sad but yes so cute!!! He got a big AWWWWWW from me and Sophia.

mandd3 said...

Oh Lacey, what a beautiful smile! Thanks for sharing. I know Tomas' smile erases so much for me. He was 6 months old before he smiles and boy did it rock my world. I can tell by your giggles that Jaxon's does the same for you. In the second video you can really se how much Jax looks like your husband and I love how he is staring up at him (even though he id make him cry!).

Anne and Whitney: Up, Down and All Around said...

oh that little sad face is just so sad i couldn't help but laugh and how cute he was, even with his sad face! you must be loving your new video camera... what a great valentine's gift :)

Corinne Judy Smith said...

Such cute videos! My boys were just dying over his big pouty lip. So sad, but oh so lovable!

Rochelle said...

Love the videos of Jax. His smiles are so precious.
Hope you have girlie news today too!

Denise said...

Oh, he looks so much better!! I loved watching him move around and look at everything. But that smile was the greatest!! I bet he will really smile at Mickey Mouse!!

ANewKindOfPerfect said...

Oh my goodness!!! I love these videos! Look at those smiles for daddy. :) And holy moly when he pouted and cried, I wanted to cry too! That is a nice shade of blue he gets going at the end. ;)

Tausha said...

Thanks for sharing with the video's. He is precious and brings a smile to my face everytime I see him, what a fighter!!

Maureen Claypool said...

Oh Lacey - he is so sweet - i just want to jump through the computer and give a big kiss and hug!! He reminds me so much of my Mark - especially that sad face! Please give him a hug and kiss for me!!

LisaL said...

I LOVE the videos! I love in the first one when he looks at you like he is saying "man is Dad crazy!" And I have to admit I did chuckle when he started crying. He was just so darn cute!! Poor baby! It's nice to see how expressive he is!! Is Jax not a candidate for a passy muir valve?

Heather said...

I cannot wait to see you guys.that video made me miss you all the more.So sweet Jax is.Especially looking at Ray.And how great does he look?What an amazing little boy,to be so sick and to look as good as he does in those videos.

Good catching up with you today.Did you remind Ray to make is status' a little clearer for clueless me?

Michelle said...

oh I loved these videos! So cute!

April said...

Loved seeing his face light up!!