Jax is actually hanging in there. He was doing really well this morning. So well the respiratory therapist thought we should try a trial on his trach mask. I was a little more hesitant, thinking we should probably wean a little more. But the resident agreed to try. Its not like we have to reintubate him, we just pop the vent back on. He didn't do all that bad, they left him off for an hour. Then I went to lunch with Michelle and Preslie, and was gone for a couple of hours. When I came back he was back up to 10 liters from 4 satting barely 90! He is very fluid positive so they are trying to pull some of that fluid off, but I don't think they will be doing any more mask trials for a while!
Slow and steady, as our dear friend Heather always says. Thats what you have to do with Jaxson!
3 days ago
Poor little man! OY, I'm so glad that he's got all of the attention that he's getting {{SIGH}}
UGH, I so wish that I could fly over there & spend some time with you!! I'd love to just give you a great big hug right now! You & especially Jaxson amaze me the more that I get to know you! YES, I agree...we WILL meet one day & wouldn't it be cool if it was this year!
Praying & Praying HARD for this little man! Pls know that you are all close to our hearts!
BIG {{{HUGS}}} & as always w/all of our LOVE!!! Keep on hanging on Momma!!!:)
They should listen to mommy, silly docs and RT's.
Slow and steady!
love you two.
"Mommas know best!" Slow and steady is good, but not too slow, right?! Thinking of you and praying!!! Love and Hugs!!!
You got it girl...Slow and Steady Wins the Race.
And tell those people to let his lungs rest,will they??Jeeesh!!!
Love to you all.
Glad you got to see Michelle and Miss P, that must have made your day much brighter.
Sending our love and prayers
Oh geez .... the poor bub needs more time to recover. I am glad that it's not too traumatic to put him back on the vent. It must be hard on his little body to do a trial where he drops like that.
I wish you lived here, I would love to help out however I can. You and Jax have not left my thoughts all day!!
Still praying, hang in there!
I've been checking in 2 or 3 times a day making sure that the little guy is doing okay. Thoughts and prayers from Minnesota!!!! So glad to hear that he's hanging in there.
When will they figure out that you are always right. Let him rest longer!! I am so glad that you got to see Michelle and Preslie. I miss you all so much!! Thanks for continuing to keep us all updated. Heather and I have been having many conversations and I am glad you guys finally connected. Get that boy better soon...Disneyland is only one month away!!
Slow and steady. . . slow and steady. . . HUGS from CT.
That is always what I say - slow and steady wins the race! They really should have listened to you though! I've got your blanket done so I will probably give you a call tomorrow - maybe I can meet up with you on Friday. Prayers and hugs coming your way!
Oh no - why do they try to push? Poor sweet man!
Thank you for keeping us up to date.
Oh Jax I was so hoping I would see better news today! Hoping things improve soon, love you guys! Cammie and Addy
Yes slow and steady, totally understand that, hope they don't push him again, he needs time and they should give it to him. he is definitely going to win the race.
Praying like mad here and hope you have been able to get some rest as well.
You are so great keeping us all updated. We have been thinking about you and hope Jaxson stays strong. Don't forget to take care of yourself.
You are doing a great job as a mommy as always. Keep up the fight Jaxson. Wysdom is also a slow and steady guy too. The docs should really listen to what you have to say as you know the best. Hugs and prayers your way.
Oh, I'm sorry it didn't work out. I know everyone's saying it already, but it is so true, mama knows best. Hugs to the little guy, and to you! You're a very strong woman, and an amazing mommy.
YOUR SON IS SOOO AMAZE TO ME!He's the most BEAUTIFUL BOY IN THE WORLD!!im so SORRY for what he has to go though!hes truly a miracle! he's so brave and a true fighter,he's so amaze!may god bless hem with all he's might,he truly deserves it!in he in my prayers,how is he doing? and if i may ask how can i help lil ones like hem?thanks and god bless
sorry my e-mail is/ miss.hudson23@yahoo.com
sorry to hear about Jaxon. thinking of you
We tried to stop by yesterday (Tuesday) to see you, but every time there were so many people in Jaxon's room, we didn't want to bother you in case there were procedures and things going on. Hope today is going well!
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