Monday, February 1, 2010

Update on my warrior

Not a whole lot to report today. Not really any worse, so thats good. They went up a little on his oxygen, from 6 to 8 liters. I have no idea what that equals on the normal vent, this is a vent that they use for trach kids. The attending told me when he came in today that this will take some time to recover from, so expect a long stay. When he left the nurse told me this was a nasty virus. Nastier than RSV, and she thinks he may still get worse before he gets better. I know I've heard of this virus before, but I guess its fairly new.
I've gone home to get the boys, and I think I will just stay home for the rest of the night. Its a nice 45 minute drive to the hospital, and I can't hold him, I just stare at him all day while he sleeps. So there's not much I can do. He's stayed stable today, so I'm going to get some things done at home tonight.
I see that we have some new bloggy friends, welcome, and thanks for your prayers. I promise I will come visit and say hi when things calm down!


My Three Sons said...

Well I'm sure you can get some much needed rest at home. Your right, he has someone with him at all times so you need to take small breaks for yourself. I will continue to pray for Jaxson. He is such a tough boy and this too shall pass.


Kaci and Carson

Shawna - Round Rock, Texas said...

I haven't left a message before , but have followed for quite some time. i am a Mommy of three little girls and know how much of a blessing babies are. My heart goes out to you for all that you go through and my prayers are as strong as ever for your beautiful family!

Emily said...

I am away in California visiting my parents. I would take over in his room for ya if I was there! Get some rest and give him an extra love from me when you see him! xoxo

ParkerMama said...

Nastier than RSV? Aw, Lacey, that stinks. But yay! for holding his own! That is good news.

Take care of yourself too.


Anonymous said...

Thank you for the update! Give our sweet boy big hugs!!!!!
So here is our goal! One day we will get the boys together for a play date!

The VW's said...

Sorry that it sounds like you'll be there for awhile! This is not good news, but whatever it takes to get Mr. Jax well again! Glad to hear that you are taking some time for yourself and your other boys at home!

It's so difficult feeling tugged in several directions, but when you can't even hold him and he's mostly sedated, I think it makes more sense to be there for your other children too!

My heart breaks thinking of what you guys are going through right now! Hospital stays suck! Especially when they drag on for a long time! I'm thinking of you guys and praying often! Remember to take care of yourself too! Love, Hugs and Prayers!!!

Rochelle said...

Glad he is holding his own. Get some rest Lacey while he is in good hands at the hospital. Thanks for the updates.

Sakura said...

Poor boy. It's frustrating when you can't do anything. I'm sure it will all work out :) Praying.

Mama Mason-Mann said...

hope you can manage SOME rest!!! Thinking of you, as always!

My name is Sarah said...

This is Joyce. He looks more peaceful already. I've been thinking about you all day. Hopefully you can get a good nights rest at home to be ready to conquer a new day in the morning. Hugs and love to you all.

Becky said...

thinking of you tonight Lacey! Hope it's not as long as they are thinking and that he can come home. Prayers for you and your family!!! xoxo

Shelly Turpin said...

I am so sorry. hang in there little one. I hope the boys are doing OK with everything. Hugs for all of y'all.

kangfamily said...

We are new followers to your blog...and we are praying for your family!

ANewKindOfPerfect said...

Lacey, I'm glad you're going home to get sleep. He's not alone, and without rest, you'll be a wreck. I know it's hard to do, but it's good for you.

I pray that Jaxson's fight comes back soon and he is on the road to recovery. It sure sounds like a nasty virus!!

Stephanie said...

Good call on getting some rest. in our prayers tonight!

Colleen said...

Boy oh boy, our little guys are sure taking us on a journey! I hope Jaxson's stay isn't too long. As always, he will be in our prayers!

Alan Anderson said...

Sheesh - I don't check blogs over the weekend and I have totally missed out on the latest. I am so sorry Jaxson is in the PICU and is battling something worse than RSV. Our thoughts and prayers are with you, your family and especially Jaxson. We will be up at the hospital on Friday - we can come look for you or bring you something if you need it. Please let us know if you need help with anything - your boys are welcome to come over and play if you can't get home in time to get them!

Tina said...

Just holding on to the words..."not really any worse" and remaining positive about him and about his recovery. He will fight this things off I am sure of that
Prayers continue non stop...he is in my thoughts all the time.
You need to get rest as well, go to sleep with beautiful positive thoughts and all will be well.

Kele said...

Happy for the update. Poor guy, he looks so miserable. I know he will get better, and I will continue to pray for him AND family!

Team Carter Jay said...

Good call on getting some rest. Who's your attending this time?

Still praying for your family!

Anonymous said...

You are still all in my prayers! Build your strength and get some rest dear Lacey! Hugs to the boys! God bless, megan and keaton

Sasha@ Blyssfulhealth said...

Oh my gosh. I haven't been on it a while and just got a chance today and saw that Jaxon is in the hospital. You and your family are in my thoughts. It sounds like he must have some type of virus from what I can tell. Last year Wysdom had RSV around this time and it took about a good week in the hospital to beat. Sending hugs and prayers. I may not get on here often but am thinking of you and sending prayers.

EMILY G. said...

your family and your handsome little man are defiently in my prayers!

Angi said...

I'm so sorry Lacey, I am seeing childern without Jax's medical history with this "nasty" heart goes out to you, sending a for you and that special boy of yours. Hope you get some much needed rest.

Loren Stow said...

My word! I missed out on Jax going into hospital!
I hope that he's ok and that he gets better real soon - we are praying for him!!

Unknown said...

This little guy is such a fighter. We are praying for easier days ahead for Jax. Glad you were able to go home. You need those breaks.

ANewKindOfPerfect said...

Lacey, I changed Emma's name in my post to become a link to her blog. She had Batten's Disease. :(

mandd3 said...

We're praying for your whole family. It is such a terrible place for a mom to have to decide where to spend her time. I would leave Tomas when he was in PICU (not the other floors - I'm sure you know how that goes) because we ARE mommies to more than just one child. May God bless you and keep you close during this difficult time.

Anxious AF said...

He is a little warrior, and you are his warrior! Hang in there, and get some rest at home:)

The Lehnick Family said...

Lacey...I have been away for awhile on blogging and just saw your prayers and thoughts are definately with you all...poor little guy...fight Jaxson, fight like you always do! Praying for you all! xoxoxoxoxox

Kim said...

Sending prayers your way Lacey. Jaxson is one tough cookie!

Christine said...

Get well soon Jax!