Yes, we indeed came home today! 12 days in PICU, many more home! He was a little naughty this morning, had a fever when I got there, and had been restless all night the night before. I wondered if it was from his heated trach mask. It just heats him right up. So we turned the heater down, and I got him to sleep and he cooled off. The only thing that concerns me is this a precursor for infection in his belly from pulling that cecostomy out. I'm not going to sit around the hospital and wait for it to show, I'll just check his temp at home and watch for signs. He is still quite cranky, and you can see from these pics that his color isn't stellar, but I guess I should just remember that he is very weak, and it takes him a long time to recover from being sick!
Oh and for friends that are wondering, I finally heard from Kelly tonight. Libby is hanging on. A CT showed no brain damage from the arrest, its just going to take a loooong time for her to recover. She is still on echmo and dialysis. She only has one kidney, so we have to hope it recovers. She even hears her mom and tries to move when she goes into her room! Keep fighting sweet Libby! And for people that asked, unfortunetly she doesn't have a blog.
HOORAY! I'm so glad you're home. Hope you had a cozy day together!!
I'm so glad Jax is home! That is great news.
I hope the fever stays gone and was due to the heated mask, and not anything peskier. His color does look off, I am sure he will look brighter and cheerier soon! Poor bub, his little lips look so chapped.
I am waiting anxiously to hear your baby news!
WhoooHoooo! How wonderful to have your baby home! Now you can hold him as much as you want. Funny how we can take those little things for granted. Hope you and the fam are able to find the normal again. Now you can start your countdown to the happiest place on earth!
So glad you are home! YIPPEE! Looking forward to hearing more on the baby news!
Welcome home!!!
I'm so glad you made it home! I think kids just get fevers for absolutely no reason in the hospital - just so doctors have a reason to keep them there. Hope to hear baby news soon!
Yay!!!! (good to know about the Detachol - it did say on the bottle to not leave it on the skin - we swab the sticky, remove it, and wash his face really fast... glad we're done with it either way!)
so glad you are home, hope you can get lots of rest now.
YAAAY!! So happy to hear that Jax is back home, must be so wonderful and such a relief. I am sure his colour will return soon with all the lovin he's going to get at home. Keeping my fingers crossed that there is no infection to worry about.
Looking forward to hearing good news about your little girl, I hope she gets to come home to her family soon.
Ahhh, the post-hospital bath. I'm sure it was nice to get him all clean and snuggly. I'm SO glad he's home!! Now stay well little man!
So happy you home Jax! Praying for you to feel loads better each day and for Our Lord to continue healing you! God Bless love and hugs!
Woot! Woot! Yeah for being home and baby news!!!!!! We are putting all thoughts of infection OUT of our minds. :) Rest up & enjoy being home.
Steph and Christopher
So glad you're home from the hospital!! I hope he continues to recover.
Can't wait to hear the baby news!!
So happy to see that Jax is home! woo hoo!
I hope that he just gets better and better now that he's back where he belongs!
Yeah for home! Now stay there!!!!
Thanks for the update on Libby.
And waiting for baby news...
His color is SO pale. :( I'm glad you are home though. We are thrilled to be home too. Can't wait to hear about your new little girl!!!
YAY! So glad that you are both at home again!!! Praying that Jax continues to get well and that no signs of infection show up!
Jax, you are adorable even with a cranky face!!!
Still thinking of and praying for Libby!
Can't wait to hear about baby news! :)
OH how I just love/adore that cranky face...he's the cutest cranky pants I've ever seen!:)
I'm so thankful that Libby is hanging on! Will continue to pray for her & sweet Jax!
Yay for being home!
YAY!!!! so glad you're home! That's fabulous news!!!! I hope he's not getting an infection and it was just the heated trach mask, like you said.
Thanks for sharing about LIbby. I've been thinking about her! She sounds like a very strong little girl!
I'm anxiously awaiting baby news. Good luck (even though you don't need it - you guys are awesome). We'll all be waiting to hear. . .
Hang in there mama. HUGS!
So So happy that you are home!!!! thank you for the update on libby, i hope she can get a LOT better very soon. can't wait to hear possible baby news!!! :) once more, hooray that you are home!!!
Welcome home Jax. So thankful you are out of the hospital. We will keep praying for you, Libby and new baby sister! So excited can't wait to see your new addition to your family. What a blessing you are to so many.
Glad you're home! Enjoy the rest
So glad he is home. He has the most incredible beautiful eyes...they are amazing. Praying the fever goes down and he improves quickly.
that all posts could be this good - Our little man is home, Libby is still with us, and baby news!
Hang in there little Jax. Keep recovering!
Welcome home buddy.Rest up and get ready for your trip.We can't wait!
Welcome Home! Hope you get to take your Disney vacation soon!
So glad you're home, and also very glad to hear that Libby's holding tight!
So glad to hear that Libby pulled through and that Jaxson is home. I hope you guys have a fantastic time during the upcoming Disney trip.
Welcome Home :)
So glad you guys are home. So, he has about 3 weeks to get ready for vacation, right? I have been wondering about Libby....thanks for the update. And I will be anxiously awaiting some updates by the end of the week about baby girl!! We CAN'T WAIT to see you guys.
Welcome home, Jaxson has the most beautiful eyes
love Viks
Yeah Jax is home!
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