Saying of the week.
A couple of nights ago we went to Golden Coral for dinner. Carter got some little shrimp.
Carter... "dad, I don't like this naked shrimp"
Dad.... "naked shrimp? Whats naked shrimp?"
Carter.... " you know, it has nothing on it (meaning breading) Its butt naked!"
Pictures of the week
Carters new fashion sense. Hey it may catch on!
2 days ago
I am thrilled that you were able to post about something other than Jax being in the hospital!!! Yay!!!
Lacey, I just found your blog and would love to become a regular reader. Love Viks from Post Pals
Very true.. We laugh a lot at some of the things Aiden manages to get himself into.
How funny is Carter! I love naked shrimp. And I REALLY love Golden Corral! Unfortunately, that is one thing you will have to give up if you move to SoCal, we don't have any here. :(
The pictures are funny. Good blackmail for later in life!
Thanks for the giggles. Oh Carter is so funny! Love the new sure to be fashion trend.
Carter is too funny! I am kind of hoping his fashion sense doesn't become a fad - course it is no different than wearing your pants around your knees (or on the ground like the American Idol song!)
I can so relate! I was just thinking today that our 6 year old brings me so much joy and laughs that I don't think that I'd survive the day without him!
Carter and Caleb would have so much fun together! Your Carter definitely seems like quite the character and our Caleb is definitely full of it!
I agree with Peanut's Mom, those pictures are great blackmail for later in life! HA!
Thanks for the laughs!!! HUGS!!
I'm sorry to break the news to Carter but that style was already invented. Anyone remember underoos? I had wonder woman when I was little and ran all over the house in them (also in the dead of winter I might add). This is all adding up to me really loving young Carter, and a mama that lets his spirit reign.
Love those adorable boys of yours! Laughing!!!
Welcome home sweet Jax! Sleep good in your own bed and let your momma get some rest!
That IS a great look!
I think Carter is ready for GQ:)
Bwahahaha! So very cute!
Denise just wrote the exact thought that I had, it's great that you are in the frame of mind to be able to post about something other than Jax, although I love reading about Jax, but this means he's doing o.k. and that I love even more.
Boys are funny and they come up with the craziest comments at times. really who needs comedy. Love the pictures!!
ha ha ha so sweet so funny!
Looks like something Baylee would do. She's all about getting herself dressed when we are just here at the house. Which mainly consists of Summer clothing!
Hugs - Tiffany
HAHAH I love carter! He's so funny
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