Jaxson had a really good day today! We went down on vent settings, and even had a trach mask trial! So look who got to hold their baby today!

We only left him on the mask for an hour. His
respiratory rate did increase, but overall he did really well. Surgery came down and looked at his
cecostomy after I left. They said that the surgeon will come down Monday and take it out at the bedside. Of course I have a lot of questions about that. I know they do a lot of surgeries at the bedside in
PICU, but what kind of sedation will they use? And what exactly does the surgery entail? Questions I need to ask them tomorrow. We need to get it out though, its leaking like crazy and his skin around it looks horrible!
Daddy brought the boys up. They were very upset that they can't go back and see him. No one under 14 allowed with respiratory season and
everyones crazy H1N1 freak out! But we took the train down to the Gateway to get some lunch. Ray took this picture of Tanner, have you ever seen an autistic child be such a ham?
Yippee for a good day! LOVE posts like that!
I'm so glad to hear a better than yesterday post. I will continue to pray for Jaxson and also for the rest of your beautiful family.
Try to get some rest.
Love always...
Oh... you got to hold your baby.so happy for you.. and him.Slow and steady Jax... it seems to be working for you.
Love to everyone.
Glad to hear he is doing better - maybe he can get out of there soon. Get some rest. Hugs to all of you!!!!
Steph and Christopher
I'm so glad you got to cuddle your baby!! I hope he continues to make improvements each day.
That seems awfully quick to already be doing trach collar trials? They did the same thing to Ben and ended up collapsing his lung!!!
I meant to say when he was at Children't hospital - that's where we were (last year) when they collapsed his lung - be careful!!
I have been worried about how they were getting access - so grateful they have been able to get IVs into him. I'm sorry the boys couldn't come up. No kids allowed here either. It's so hard on the kids to not be able to see.
I was happy to see you holding him. I'm sure he was happy too.
Crossing my fingers for the bedside surgery. - This is me, Shelly BTW
Tanner is so handsome!
YAY for being able to hold your babe again! This always makes a Momma feel better!
Keep fighting Jax! Glad to hear that you had a good day!
Hope the bedside surgery goes well! LOVE, HUGS and PRAYERS!!!
I am so glad to hear he had a good day yesterday. I hope you are doing okay, and are able to leave at night to get some rest. How fun for the boys that you took trax to the gateway! That place is so much fun for me, Im sure the boys enjoyed the outing. I continue to keep Jax in my thoughs and prayers, maybe soon he will be moved up to the floor. It was also really good to hear that you were able to hold Jaxson. sweet sweet. I hope things are looking up from here on.
so glad he/you had a good day and you got to hold him! Nothing like being able to hold him again!!! Hope you're taking good care of yourself too. Good luck with the bedside surgery. I'm sure it'll be a relief to get it out of there!
So happy to hear that Jaxson had a better day. Still praying for that little fighter.
Ps. The middle photo inyour header is my fave!
So happy to hear Jax had a good day, and you got some snuggle time in.
Great news!! Yay yay yay!
Hooray! for the good days. Kristen will probably be back up there this week, I'll look for you, maybe we can take a walk or go grab a coke or something. I would love to see Jax. So jealous you have season Disneyland passes. I just signed Kristen and I up for the day of service to get a free day pass. We are going to make blankets for "Project Linus" That way Kristen can participate and not come in contact with people, as she will have low counts for the next forever. Praying that Jax will continue to improve.
Oh Lacey what a lovely picture, you got to hold your baby, and more importantly Jax got to be in his mommy's arms, I am sure this it the road to recovery, Jax keep fighting for all of us ...
Prayers continue here
Oh, I am so glad that he is doing better.....He knows that Disneyland is getting near and the he must start rebuilding his strenth. Please give him hugs from us and tell him to keep up the good work.
So glad you to got to hold your little man. I bet his brothers miss him sooo much.
Oh I'm SO glad you got to hold him. Hugs do wonders for the patient AND the mom :) Hope things get better soon.... we've had lots of meetings with the pal. care team up there-- they are wonderful-- even though they are such tender conversations... sending love!
I hope all these amazing people who say all the right things help to lift your spirit. Wishing you and your family all the best.
Yeah for a great day & getting to hold him! Go Jax. Praying for Monday's surgery to go well and without complications.
Oh Lacey .... I am so happy you got to hold Jax! I literally have tears in my eyes. ((hugs))
I am thrilled that he is doing better and that you will be getting rid of the cecostomy. I hope they answer all your questions!
That's good that you got to hold him :) and that train ride looks like fun. Look at his beautiful eyes. BTW, love the Twilight sweater
Love the picture of you and Jaxson. I'd title it, "The wise and loving mom."
San Jose Mom
so glad that Jax is doing better and that you finally got to hold your baby! Stay strong, will continue prayers from our end.
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