This is an exciting time for our Ukrainian princess. Life in an orphanage, in one small room all day, every day, definitely doesn't celebrate Christmas. This is a first time seeing Santa, seeing all the beautiful lights, and we are making sure she doesn't miss any of it!
Getting ready for her first visit with Santa we had to make some Christmas bows.
What, we are going to go see Santa?Wahoo!
Her and Jax were definitely excited for the big man to come!
Wow, this guy is big....and red!
Oh, look at all that facial hair!
Yesterday I finally got around to putting the lights on the tree. Her first time seeing the lights was pretty funny. I love experiencing all the firsts with her!
Whoa, these are cool!
4 days ago
She is so absolutely precious.Sometimes i have to stop and realize that she hasn't been with you forever ... because it sure feels as if she has!And Jax's die for.
I am so loving Tanners pose.He's killing me over here!
Love you guys.
I love the very first light photo! She's so dang cute!
Oh my goodness, could she be ANY cuter? Love the pic of all the kids with Santa. What a great Christmas gift to have you all together this year.
she is so stinkin' cute!! I can't get over how lucky you all are to have her now...she makes the best faces...
And of course Jax's smile is beautiful....
And the rest of the boys...can't forget about them!!
Lacey, she is just adorable. And look at that smile on Jaxson's face. Sweet, sweet kids, all of them.
Love the holiday excitement. It sure is going to be different for her this year. Cute little piggies.
She is just GORGEOUS!! I just can't wait til I have some time to go back and read your story!!!
Okay, seriously.....the best pictures ever!!! She and Jax are ADORABLE! And, all of your other boys are so handsome! You are one blessed Momma! Have fun with your bunch celebrating all those firsts with Arina! Hugs!!!
Oh my gosh Lacey! She is so cute! Those face that she makes crack me up!!
I love that Jax has a big smile! He looks so cute!
What a great post!! We love seeing all of the first too!!
Adorable family!
What great pictures!I enjoyed every one of them.All your kids are so beautiful!
Love the Santa photos!
She is BEAUTIFUL! I love the 3rd one from the top! She looks SO excited/freaked out!
Ahhhhh, Lacey, she's so darn sweet. I'm in tears here thinking how her life has changed. What a blessing. I absolutely love the toes picture. I wish I would have thought of that. Love, love, love Lily's toes.
Soo cute!! Okay, I've somehow got to find the way to get out west again so we can get these kids together!!!
The best pictures! Thank you so much for sharing. I don't think you could ever get bored of Arina's excitement or little man Jax's smile.
So fun! I saw a picture in the Trib of Santa's visit for the DS families. I was wondering if you were there. So so dear. Looks like it was awesome.
She is so cute! That pic of Jax looking at you is so precious. He even has a smile on his face. What an awesome life she is going to have with you folks experiencing tons of firsts.
Oh Lacey these pics did me in!!! She is so beautiful! I wish i could hold her! I could just kiss her little face.
I am making a flyer updating the kids at school about Arina. They don't know she's home! I told the principal and she said to get a flyer so we can tell everyone. Do you mind if I use one of the pics from this post?
Awwwww...what a bunch of cuties!!!And I so love those awesome expressions on the princess!
She is a princess! I cannot get enough of her!
oh my goodness - these pictures are beyond precious
I just love her faces, so funny and Jax's smile is adorable. great pics.
Little Arina has the cutest, funniest faces, and those big blue eyes! That one where she's looking like "YEAH LIGHTS! This ROCKS!" I love how the littles that come home from Reece's Rainbow just come alive once home - so different from those orphanage pics.
She's a baby doll!!! :)
I agree with Zoey's mom - it seems like she has always been with you - weird, isn't it? I hope you are having lots of fun with all that pink. After four boys, I think when it finally struck me that I did indeed have a girl was seeing little pink outfits for the first time in my laundry - it's silly, I know, but I still remember pulling out that cute little pink onsie to fold - it made me so happy. - Maureen C
Best Christmas present EVER!
Adorable! She is so blessed to spend Christmas this year with her new family!
Oh my gosh...I love all of these pictures. You guys really captured her spirit in these. And I love the one where Jax is smiling right before seeing Santa. I see Arina is wearing that brown and coral outfit that I have given to all of our Ukranian loves :) Have you gotten a picture of her in it that you can send me yet (one without the bib that is)
Hahaha, That first pic of Arina and the lights needs to be put in a magazine it is so adorable! Glad you all made it out to see Santa! I miss you tons... perhaps we can get together sometime this week???
She is amazing! I love seeing all of her "firsts" through your blog. I love her checking out the lights. It certainly was meant to be. :)
I love her expressions! She's beautiful!!
Just beautiful every single picture. Yes she definitely looks like she has been with you forever, she is very much the princess....and love that one of Jax smiling, what a handsome boy. You really have a beautiful family.
I love that super surprised (or excited) face! Too cute! I still need to get C in to see Santa!
God bless your generous heart!
Could she be any cuter? I mean REALLY???? And Jax is just so handsome (as are all your boys). Fun seeing the pics and reading the comments!
Your children are so beautiful! I'm loving reading about your princess too. I'm thankful that things are going well and am praying for a healthy winter for all of you!
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