So many people are doing the Reeces Rainbow Christmas tree, and trying to raise money for these ophans, I just love it. The number one reason more people don't adopt international is because of the cost. Thats the reason we first said no to international.
But now that its done and over with, I can't believe the experience, and I highly recommend it! It may seem impossible at first, but hopefully with so many people raising money for these children, more people will commit because they have some money in their accounts already. There are tons of fund-raising things you can do, and it so worth it.
You know we had a hard time when we first got there. We got a lot of grief from people, who I'm sure have never done this, they were just quick to judge. I was told everything from I'm depressed, to that I didn't really love her or want her. Adoption is not easy, its not all kicks and giggles, and its terribly frightening at first to be in this country where no speaks your language. Its a major culture shock. But now that I'm home, in a way I miss it. How many people can say that they've been halfway around the world? I can!
The funniest thing is how if affected Ray. He is so ready to go back and do it again. I would love to do it again, but not for at least a year. I want to get moved and settled in Cali, and get Arina settled. Its addicting, and I think a lot of families go back and do it again!
I realized that I didn't post a lot of pictures that Ray took when he went back with his dad to get Arina. Ukraine really is a beautiful country, maybe looking at these pictures will be another push on a family that may be contemplating adopting!
Ukraine has some breathtaking buildings and churches. You know that most of their buildings are hundreds of years old!This is a University in Kiev.
The Opera house.
One thing we found is the younger generation is much more upbeat than the older generation. Most of them are learning English in school, and many of them have high hopes and dreams. Ray met this couple, and he stays in touch with them through facebook!
This statue is like our Statue of Liberty. I only saw it from the street, but it can be seen from miles away. Its really beautiful!
Arina's orphanage.
Arina's region is right on a huge river. It makes her city much more cold and foggy, but its beautiful. Its a farming town, and people are more poor here.
Back at daddy's apartment in Kiev.
Our welcome home sign me and the boys made!
You always read how these children just thrive once home. We are definitely seeing that with Arina. She giggles at everything, and she is crawling all over the place. Some things we've noticed also, if you raise your voice, she just freezes. I think she was yelled at often. I hit my elbow on the corner of her dresser while holding her. I yelped in pain, and she had the most horrified look on her face. We really have to be careful around her. Its hard when you screech because her or Jaxson has done something new. I think soon she'll realize that we are not yelling at her!
Everytime we look at her we can't believe that anyone would give her up. If only her parents could see her now. They'd want her back! No way, she's ours forever!
Its that time of year again! Email me at with your address so I can get a Christmas card to you!
4 days ago
Arina is a very lucky little girl to have you and Ray as her parents - hope you all have a very Merry Christmas
Those buildings are absolutely beautiful! You know that I would love to go there and bring home a sweetie! Someday I hope! Arina is so blessed to have you as her family and you guys are so blessed to have her! Hugs!!
It is gorgeous there for sure. Arina looks BEAUTIFUL in that picture with her piggies! :) I would love to go bring home and orphan ... if only we had more money and a bigger house. Arina is SO lucky to have you guys!
I am in LOVE with that last picture of her! Could she BE any cuter?!?!?
I think I need to have Jason sit down and talk to Ray. The money thing is still huge to him. Thanks for posting this.
I love your story. You are an amazing family!
Wonderful pictures - so glad you posted them! I went to Europe when I was 16... soooo long ago. IF (and that is a huge IF) we were to adopt thru RR, I hope we could turn the trips into more of a vacation than a sitting in our apartment waiting game. Glad you can look back on it and really appreciate the experience.
I love all your pictures. It looks like a beautiful place! I was fortunate enough to get to travel a fair amount when I was growing up, but the one place I still really want to go is Russia/Ukraine. Now I want to go to adopt too! I just have to have hubby come around, but I think he wants another bio kid first...
Such beautiful pictures.Arina is so cute! Hugs to sweet Jax :)
Amazing to see all those familiar sights on your blog...that was our home for 5 years:-) Hope ya'll got to go see something at the Opera House....that was our favorite "date" there. Tickets were like $5 and the shows were spectacular!!
So glad your sweet girl is HOME with your precious family!
She is so adorable!!!! I want to hug that precious little thing!! The pix are gorgeous! There are two cutie pies that really have my heart and you are so correct. The ONLY thing holding us from adopting right now is MONEY! Hugs to everyone!
I haven't had a left many comment lately but wanted you to know I'm still reading. :) Congratulations on Arina's healthy heart and I'm so glad she's a part of your family!
The pictures are amazing.Arina is amazing.Your family... amazing!
She's perfect-I think I want her, too!
I for one am so glad y'all were able to go and grab her. She looks just like she's always been there. She's absolutely beautiful!
I think another cause of her reaction might be that people in Europe (excluding some of the more Southern areas) tend to be quieter in general. Yes, they can be rude and cruel like anyone else, and I'm not contesting what your daughter suffered. BUT being loud is considered rude in and of itself, and we tend to be calmer (or at least more sulky!) in everyday life.
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