During a random momma photoshoot, I see it.
A Ukrainian princess....Loves, loves, loves her big brother.
A big brother returns the feelings.
A princess forces her brother to work, to follow her....
He rolls to find her...
And he won't be outdone in the head control department.
Who needs therapists when you have a princess?!
4 days ago
That last photo is just precious!
...and a little child shall lead them.
They are so adorable together! I love all of Arina's faces!
They are SO cute- how do you get anything done? Seriously!!
Oh my goodness, too funny!!! She can seriously pull some great faces. :-) I love that they're so attached to each other and work so well together!!!! I think they'll have lots to teach each other in the coming years.
WOW these were incredible and you're are absolutely right who needs a therapist when one has a princess as a sister, Jax probably gets more motivation from her than he ever felt with any therapist and she will probably get the most out of him.
Ofcourse there I was was smiling and lovin that little girl of yurs when I saw the 1st pic and then I scrolled down and saw the 2nd and 3rd and Lacey you had me in splits of laughter, your Princess makes the best faces ever!!! Love her and Jax always
They are so cute I couldn't stop looking at them all day long! I imagine their big brothers must agree with me haha. Love that last picture. And of course Princess Arina is the best therapist Jax could ask for!
LOVE LOVE LOVE!! The faces she can make are too preciuos. She will encourage Jax to do things no therapist or mom can. Just Like Eliana (my 3year old) does for Gabriel.
This is AWESOME! You must be so proud of Jax, and so thankful for your sweet girl! They are a match made in heaven! You are truly blessed!
Hope Jax stays healthy! Thinking of him and praying! Hugs!
These are the BEST pics, Lacey!! Look at the amazing sibling bond they have already!! Arina is a true "Rugg"=) Continued prayers for Jax!!
So true. Love it!
That is one of the best posts! Awesome! So much cuteness in that house!!!
So beautiful!!! I love that she makes Jax work!
melt my heart!!!!!
All the photos are adorable! The last one is so precious!
Oh my goodness that is just wonderful! Jax's hands are away from his face in nearly all the photos. His head control is amazing. What an awesome thing to be able to watch happen between the two of them. Thanks for sharing!
Love those photos and what great motivation they are for each other! Can't wait for my new baby to arrive and start motivating Sweet Pea!
Oh my gosh these are ADORABLE and priceless...... TOO CUTE...
How adorable! Such a great thing that Jaxon has someone for a little friendly competition. Love it!
oh Arina - you are so precious!!
I love how Jax is responding to her.
Love the love!!
ohhh look at those two...total sweetness for sure!
that's AMAZING Lacey. Just amazing! I'm speechless.
OMG that last picture is incredible. Lacey this post just made my day. I really needed it after visiting another blog. There it broke my heart, here it touched my heart. All I can say is she knows what she is doing with her brother and it's priceless. Hugs
Absolutely gorgeous pics - I LOVE the last one.
That is too cute! She is his best teacher for sure! Look at how much stronger Jax is getting!
Happy tears! Laughing at the princess pricless faces!
Haha, this is too cute! I love the stories you tell that go along with these photos. Keeps me smiling!
Oh my goodness!!! Those are the cutest pix ever!! I don't think I've ever seen Jax hold himself up so much!
oh I just love these pictures! sweetness overload!
Very cute :)
Oh my goodness. LOOK at him go! She is so precious.
Merry Christmas!
beautiful pictures! thank you for sharing them:)
CUTEST pictures EVER! :) Merry Christmas to one of my favorite blogging friends!
All I can say is amazing!! The looks on Jaxson's face in these pictures in awesome. He seems to be blossoming before my eyes. There is so much expression and joy that I hadn't seen before. It is beautiful! Have a wonderful Christmas, Rugg family!! - Maureen C.
I love that Arina is helping Jax! They are both adorable!!
I know I wish the weather was warmer too so we could go and play.
Maggie went off the ventilator because she was way over ventilated from her liver not working right. So if she went back on it she would have to be watched carefully and we would really have to make sure that it is the best thing for her.
I seriously love all of the pictures you post!! Your so good about that! I need to be better at it.
Hope your family has a Merry Christmas!!
Oh that last picture needs to be blown up and framed! Precious!
oh my goodness-- SO CUTE!!!
She is SO cute...I just want to squeeze her!!!! And it's so sweet how she loves on her brother! (and how he tries to imitate her...darling)
the faces Arina makes just cracks me up...
and would you look at Jax? What a strong little boy he's becoming..
NO WAY! Look at Jax go! Lacey, these pictures literally brought tears to my eyes and rolling down my cheeks. I can't get over how amazing Jaxson is doing, having Arina is a motivator! I love her little piggies, and her facial expressions are simply too.much. :)
This is oh cute, love the last photo, it looks like Jaxson is saying look at this little princess that is now ours ! And she is so smitten with him too. They are so delicious looking, wish I could kiss there cheeky's
Oh,what wonderful pictures! Arina is beautiful and it looks like she is perfect for Jax!
They are SOOO cute together. She is an awesome teacher :)
Lacey...she is beautiful! I love to see the two of them just loving on each other!!!
AWESOME!!! Yay Jax!!! And how the heck do you get those cute piggy tails in Arina's hair....Mazzy won't let me unless I'm REALLY quick!
that is awsome! I love seeing them together. merry christmas!
Oh how wonderful!! I absolutely love the last photo! Jaxson looks so proud of himself and so in love with his little sister!! Pure joy! Glad she has been so motivating for him!!
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