We will be leaving bright and early tomorrow for the house on the hill. Check in is at 7:00 am. I am going to try to take my computer with me so I can update as things happen. The surgery itself is only about an hour, but getting a line in him is what can take some time. And also if he extubates or not. We'll either go to PICU or surgical unit. Please keep my munchkin in your prayers tonight. No surgery is easy for him. I'm super paraniod now after reading about little Kayleigh, who had a g-tube and nissen and came out totally brain dead. Ok, not thinking about that. But his SVC problems could cause complications, and his surgeon is a little worried about that. I will let you know as things unfold. Thanks everyone.
3 days ago
You are SO in our prayers. Totally.
It's all gonna be good, Mama. Keep that thought in your heart!
ParkerMama on Twitter
Praying for the munchkin...
And for nervous Mama...
Keep us posted.
Will be thinking & praying for Jax! Please try to have a good nights rest Momma!GOOD LUCK!!!!!!
Praying here Lacey!
Praying for the little man tonight, and the Mama and Dad.
Sending all our prayers!
Definitely have prayers coming your way! Jaxson, you guys, his doctors and nurses are all in my prayers...will be watching for updates!
Praying right now that the Lord keeps Jaxson safe during the surgery and that He comforts your family as you are in waiting.
We will keep you in our prayers. Please let us know how things go.
I will so be thinking and praying for Jaxson and all of you all day tomorrow!!! I really hope you can give us regular updates as we will all be anxiously awaiting!!!!
Prayers have been said.
Sending lots of prayers your way.We love you guys and will be anxiously awaiting an update.
We will be thinking and praying for sweet Jax and your family.
I'll be thinking of you guys often! Update when you can!
Prayers for your family from the frozen tundra. Good luck with everything tomorrow, you are such a strong and amazing momma!
Lacey, you and Jaxson will be in our prayers tomorrow.
big hugs
Lacey: I have thought about you all day. I am praying for Jax and you.
Praying right now for God to direct the doctors hands,to keep Jaxson safe,and for comfort for his sweet Mama.Hugs!
You know you are in our thoughts and prayers. Let us know if you need anything okay?
It was so good to see you and Julie up at the movie Saturday. Rhett LOVES his blankie and I am going to blog about it tomorrow. I've been saving it for tomorrow so we can link to you for a prayer post.
We will be waiting for updates all day long.
Pam and Rhett
You are all in our prayers. Good luck!
Hello dear Lacey and Jaxson, saying extra special prayers today for Jaxson and that God holds you both in the palm of his hands and protects you both!
Praying for knowledge and guidance for the doctors and nurses!
Big Hugs for both of you!
Take care
Megan and Keaton
"Be Still and know that I am God"
You will be in my thoughts and prayers today.
Thinking of you guys! Keep us posted when you can
I'm praying hard for little Jaxson!!!
<3 ya little buddy!!!!
I just wanted you to know I am thinking of your family and hoping for a smooth day for Jaxson today.
Hugs & Prayers,
Christina from IHH
Heart Momma to Jacob (TGA)
I'll be praying for the little guy, I look at jax, and he reminds me so much of zachery i don't know what it is, I know also how it is when friends come over to play, zachery really doesn't have much to do with them, it is sad, I try not to think to much about the future for my kids, because it scares me and makes me crazy, and i just get so emotional. but anyways Stay strong, and I'll keep telling God to make that little boy strong, and recover fast from surgery
I pray that today will be a great day for Jaxson and your family. I am the father of CFMama, grandfather of Nathan. In the same breath that I pray for Nathan shortly, I will pray for Jaxson. Our Father does so love his little angels!
Lacey, I'm hoping and praying little Jaxson does well. I'll be thinking of you guys. Take care of yourself.
Prayers for you all!!
Praying, praying, praying. Keep us updated and please let us know if you need anything. Give big loves to Jaxson when he comes out of surgery for Carter and I.
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