Tuesday, June 23, 2009

An ok day

Jax had a little better day today. Didn't wake up screaming last night. I had to make a few trips for beeping monitors, but thats nothing new. He still needed pain meds pretty regularly today. I had to change his dressing twice. Tonight when I changed it you can clearly see were the skin is breaking down around the hole. Also, half of its covered by a dressing I can't remove. I hate to see the breakdown under there, he's going to get an infection just from that. We are going back to the ped tomorrow and the surgeon on Thursday. He may take the whole dressing off, heck, he may even say to just go ahead and put the button in. Hopefully that will help. If the button is going to leak like this I don't want it. Its not like a leaky g-tube, this is stool that leaks out. (Sorry for the grossness. Don't look at this next pic if your grossed out.)

Tonight Lily and her mom brought us dinner. She was very nervous at first around all of Jax tubes. She didn't want to get to close. But after a few minutes she warmed right up. She even posed for a couple of pics for me. She insisted on taking a pic of us. Sorry Lily, I'm not posting it, I look way to fat.

Thank's so much for dinner, its a huge burden off me right now. (Maybe now I can clean my house a little)


Junior said...

Lacey I am glad to hear that today was a little better and how nice to have someone bring in dinner.
We will pray that things get better and better.
Big hugs

Shari said...

I am glad to hear today was a tad better. Poor Jaxson's 'hole'. That looks like it hurts! Poor baby! Praying things get better for you soon!

Anonymous said...

Holding Jaxson was the best. I could hold him for hours. Thank you for letting us barge in today. Lily told her dad all about it, no mention of how nervous she was at first ;-)

Emily said...

Oh it's such good news to hear that his day was a little better. What a cutie! Tausha and I were talking today and we are going to bring you a meal or at least a visit as soon as it works for you. Hang in there. Hope to meet you two soon!

Heather said...

Better days for Jax makes this momma feel much better herself.Glad you are seeing the surgeon soon.He will certainly make some decisions before infection can get an upper hand.How great was that that Lily and her mom came by?The sweetest thing and that Lily ... she is darling.Love you Lacey.I am here.Wish you guys were too so I could help out.Maybe soon.

Anonymous said...

So happy to hear things went better last night! Always thinking of you and sweet Jax! Hang in there! God bless, megan and Keaton

Alison said...

I'm glad you all had a better day and night. I'm praying that he feels better soon and that the paed has some answers for you.

Mama Mason-Mann said...

Yay for a better day, even if it was only a little better. Better is better right? ;) love you guys!

Melissa said...

JAX...ouch:( WOW, what a great surprise!!!
Praying for you sweetheart!

The VW's said...

Poor little man!!! I'm sure that breakdown would be painful, like a bad diaper rash! I hope that they have a good plan for fixing that soon!

I'm glad to hear that he had a better day and night! I'll be praying for an even better one for you guys today!


Kim Rees said...

Lacey, you are definitely in my thoughts and prayers. You are an inspiration to me because you continue to roll with the punches no matter what comes your way. I am glad to hear that Jax is feeling a little better and I pray that you don't get any more bad news when you go to the pediatrician. Hugs!

Alan Anderson said...

Cute pictures of Lily and Jaxson. I am so glad today was a little better day. His hole looks really sore - hopefully they can fix it before it gets really bad. Good luck at the pediatrician today!!

Anonymous said...

So glad he slept better! Hopefully it's better days ahead. Although that site looks horrible, it looks like it hurts! Glad dinner came again too! Please keep me posted (email) on your needs and I will make sure I do whatever I can to help! :)

Jeana said...

I'm glad today was a better day. Yea our daughter is up at Primaries in the NICU, fighting like a champ.

Anonymous said...

I'm happy that Jaxson is feeling better despite his hole :0(

I nominated you for yet another award!!! :0) Come see :0)

Kim said...

So glad their was a little sunshine in your day. How nice of Lily and her mom to stop by with dinner and a visit. Praying for better days ahead!

Shelly Turpin said...

At least he isn't screaming 24/7!

I am so jealous that Lily's mom got to come by and hold Jax!!! I'm glad they came and y'all had dinner

ANewKindOfPerfect said...

Lacey, I am sorry that you are feeling so overwhelmed right now. It would have been nice for them to tell you that the hole could leak so you could have been prepared. It seems like such an infection risk to have stool on broken skin.

Poor poppet. I pray that he is in less pain soon!

My name is Sarah said...

Hey Jaxson, How cool that you got to meet Lily. You are looking better to today little man. I keep hugging my bear and saying prayers for you.

Anonymous said...

Happy to hear things are going a bit easier for you and precious lil Jaxson. We are new to the blog world so please feel free to stop by and say hello :)
Have a very blessed day!

ParkerMama said...

cchmc is cchmc.org

The Cinci Children's Hospital.

I'm sooo glad to hear our guy had a much better day!