Jax is doing good. He is still intubated, and they plan to put in a foley catheter because the central line is down there and they don't want to contaminate that. The tube is different than I was told it was going to be. Its not the button yet, its a tube, Its actually the same tube they use for a chest tube. So when I saw that I was like, what the heck. He will keep that one in for six weeks, then in the specials lab they will put the button in. Its different than a g-tube button, this one they don't want to get pulled out. If it gets pulled out stool can leak in the abdomen and that would be bad. This tube is huge and will be difficult to keep out of the way. I will post some pics tonight. I will go home and sleep since he is in PICU and I can't sleep in his room. I don't know when they plan to extubate, I haven't heard anything yet.
3 days ago
So glad to hear that he is doing good! Praying that they can extubate soon and that he continues to do well! Hope you get some good sleep tonight and Jax too!
Will the next tube that they place in 6 weeks be hard to keep out of the way too, or just this trial tube? I'll be praying that this surgery helps things out in the long run!
HUGS & PRAYERS! Thanks for keeping us updated!
oh Lacey! I am glad that they finally got a line in. Goodness - I am praying that he'll extubate when the time comes. sweet little guy!
So glad he is out of surgery and on the mend. You are both still in our prayers.
So happy that he is doing well after the surgery. Big hugs and prayers
Thanks for the updates Lacey. I am praying for your precious boy.
Glad to hear things are going well! Sending BIG hugs from the Phenny man! Here if you need us! Will keep checking in!
Thanks for the updates!! I have been constantly checking in and hoping to always hear good news. Now I just can't wait to hear that he is back home. Hang in there.
Thanks for the up dates,from me too Lacey. Jax has been on my mind all day. Good idea to get some rest, you must be wiped out.
UGH...THANK GOD that the line is in him & that he's OK!! I'm not sure what all of the rest of the stuff means, but I PRAY TO GOD that he'll be ok:)
Please give him kisses from us! Hope you get some rest too!!
Glad to hear that is doing well now. I hope you can get some sleep tonight as he rests in PICU. Praying that the extubation will go well too - he doesn't need any complications.
We will pray that this tube will help him out. Will the button be big as well or just this temporary tube?
Thanks for the updates - you have been on our minds all day!
Kristi & Carter
Thanks for the updats!! We are praying for your entire family! We hope you and Jaxs both have a restful night and that tomorrow is a wonderful day!! Kiss his little hand for me!!!
I am glad to hear all has gone well. Get some rest, you need it! He is in good hands.
I hope he will extubate quickly and be on his way home in no time.
Sending you Hugs and Prayers.
Jenna and Lilyana
We're so glad he is out and hanging in there! You're both in out thoughts and prayers!
I am so glad that he is doing well! I pray that he extubates easily when it's time.
Good for you for going home and sleeping. Give that little bear a hug for us when you go back!
Checking in throughout the day.We all appreciate you taking the time to post when we know you must be so extremely tired.Prayers that Jax rests well tonight and that you and Ray get some sleep too.Hoping for a short stay and that Jax continues to cooperate.Love from California.
Glad things went well! Hopefully he will get extubated soon!
I am glad to hear he's doing well. I am continuing to pray for his full recovery! Go Jaxson!
Glad that he is doing good. Call me on my cell phone if you are still up there. I am heading up there with Rhett. He's pulled out his G-tube and I can't get it back in. He's been dealing with granulation tissue and the hole is closed over already.
Anyhow if you are up there lemme know.
Glad to hear that he is out and all is well. Thanks for the updates. You are all in our prayers.
glad to hear the surgery went well and no complications...hope you're able to get some sleep tonight...continued prayers for his recovery!
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