Here is the blankie video I've been working on. I still need a few pics. If you haven't sent me a blankie pic yet, email it to me. I also need some pics of your kids in the hospital, and one cute one of them for the end. Plus if anyone knows how to post a one true media on here so you don't have to click on it and go to another screen, I can't get it to work. So help me computer friends.

Jaxsons blankies for babes
Also, this mommy that found Jax and fell in love with him is doing a fundraiser for him. She even made a button. You can win some great prizes so go check it out.

She also made these car magnets. I just love them. They are 5 dollars. Let me know if you would like one.
Jaxsons blankies for babes
Also, this mommy that found Jax and fell in love with him is doing a fundraiser for him. She even made a button. You can win some great prizes so go check it out.

She also made these car magnets. I just love them. They are 5 dollars. Let me know if you would like one.

Absolutely beautiful video!!! I will post on Lily's blog.
I love the video!
For the video can't you just get the code for blogger on onetrue media and paste it in the html on your page when you start a new post?That's what I do.Maybe someone else can explain it better than me :)
Not a problem at all. Lily's page will go live July 1st. We have very different things to offer and we are also going to have 10 random drawings of some of Lily's favorite things. I can't believe the things that have been donated! Wow! It should be fun.
Your computer genius is here to save the day!! I tested a video I made a long time ago on my blog just for you (it's deleted now) Just click on which video you want to post, go to "share and post online" than "grab links and codes" Pick the size you want (probably the small one...I did the large and it cut half of it off) that choose the first one (called code). Than on the blog I switched to edit html and post the code. and WALA! should work. If not let me know =P
I love the video - so many cute kids!!
Kristi and Carter
The video is gorgeous! I will send you some pics of Ashlea in hospital for it.
you and Jaxs are AMAZING! The video was perfect! I LOVED seeing all those kiddo's snuggled up with their blankies! I will send you a few more pictures of Malachi in the hospital to add if you want. Thanks for starting such an amazing ministry. I hope kids around the world will have a chance to snuggle up with a Jaxson blankie! Let me know when the video is all the way done and I will post it on my blog (if you are adding more photos, if not I will post it now! :))
What a beautiful video. Awesome things to be donated also! This whole thing is amazing.
Beautiful video!!! You really are doing an amazing thing here Lacey!! Keep up the good work.
We want one. That viedo just mad me cry. I love the pictrue of Zoey. She looks so happy to get her blanket.
Gosh, that video made me cry. Great job, Lacey!
Im so proud to call you my friend! That's awesome! I just love the car magnets - Im sure they will sell like hot cakes! As usual big hugs to Jax! Megan and Keaton
Love the video. It is posted on Bella's blog. You are amazing!
What a great video! You did an awesome job! I totally forgot to send you pics of Gavin from when he was in the hospital! I'll get on that!
What a wonderful thing, for that Mommy to do for you and Jax! How do I get a bumper sticker? I hope this helps you guys out!
Hope Jax is doing well! Give him a hug from me and Gavin!
Also, I know of a child who is in a Utah hospital that could benefit from one of your comforting blankies. The family used to live in Michigan and their daughter was in Nolan's class at school. They moved to Montana about 1 1/2 years ago. Their son has special needs and was transfered to Utah for surgeries and hospitalization recently. They have been there since some time in May. He is back on the vent right now and having seizures again! I don't even know what hospital he is at right now, and I don't even really know this family, but I have friends that do know them. I know that you are CRAZY busy, but if I get some info, could you try to send a blankie to him? THANKS!
Yeah, so I watch & WATCH your INCREDIBLE video & BALLED my eyes out..I LOVE IT!!! AWESOME Job Lacey!! It's BEAUTIFUL! I had to post it on my Facebook page to spread the word;) As far as posting it on my blog...well, I'm not so good on that sorry. I'll have to have Mo or someone help me w/that!
Is there a way to get a TV station to put it on the air??? I'd send it out if I were you!!!
BTW, Dillon's Mickey is getting easier by the day...THANK GOD! Thanks for your encouragement..MMUAAAA!
The video brought me to tears! I love how Jaxon's pic is on the blankies, I don't think I knew that before! Not that I want Addy back in the hospital but I would love a blankie for her!
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