Jax had a pretty good night. They did an x-ray of his belly to make sure there was no fluid or air in his abdomen. They started antibiotics for the fever. This morning they took him off the high flow oxygen and he is on 2 liters now. The plan is to go to the floor later today. If you want to come up I will be here pretty much all day. Right now we are in PICU bed 31. Of course I don't know what our room number will be when we move. You can call up and find out. Thanks for the prayers, I know thats why he does so well.
Before surgery.Right after surgery.
3 days ago
awww Jaxson sure hope you are feeling better today and recover quickly. Lots of prayers, wish we were close enough to come for a visit.
Poor little guy!!! I know he is one tough kiddo but I still hate seeing him like this. SOOOO glad that everything is going according to plan and I pray that he will recover quickly. How long do they think he will have to stay???
What a tough little peanut! Lots of prayers are headed your way, give Jax lots and lots of kisses from Gavin and me!
Awwwww little Jaxson!!! You have to get better soon!!! :0) Make sure to gets tons of rest and try not to be too much of a trouble maker....he he he !!
p.s. That blankie looks very familiar :0)
oh, to be in Utah right now. I am so grateful he is extubated.
Keep us updated on the x-ray. Thanks!
Poor Jax! I feel so bad seeing little ones after surgery and in the hospital! I'm so glad to hear that he is doing well! I wish that I could come up to visit, but know that I'm thinking about you guys and praying!!! HUGS!!!
What a tough guy. I am so glad things are going as well as they can for him right now.
Seeing those pics reminds me of the times when our little Isabelle had surgery. It just breaks your heart and at the same time it made me so thankful that we have come so far in medicine to be able to help these little people. Praying his recovery will be quick.
oh sweet baby Jaxson, so hard to see them right after surgery. I would come up but have bronchitis and the flu - not a wise idea to visit PCMC right now! You'll all continue to be in my prayers!
He is such a trooper and been through so much in his short life! You and Jaxs are an true hero's!!! Keep up the good work at being such an AMAZING mom. We will continue to pray for Jaxs and a quick recovery!!
This poor kid,he deals with so much, goodness. And how's his Mama doing? Resting any? Sending tons of prayers to you. Hope he is feeling better soon.
So glad to see him extubated!!! What a little fighter he is!!! Go Jax!
JAXSON, you are my HERO!!! Prayin that he get's out of there fast! God I so wish I could live close enough to go over there & give you guys a great big hug!!! You're an amazing Momma for doing all that you do & JAX for going through all that he does;)
Hi Jaxson, This is Sarah. I have been traveling so I haven't been writing but we have been checking on you every night at the hotel. I am glad you are out of surgery. I hope you get to come home soon. Hang in there little buddy.
Poor little man...just found your ....
love it when I have time to do blog hopping...I always enjoy finding new blogs!
So glad to know it's over, I hope he continues to improve and gets to come home soon.
Praying like crazy for the lil guy.
Hope today went well for Jaxson. Wish we could come and visit but Ashleigh has got some kind of bug - so we will keep our distance. We will pray all continues to go well and that your little man will be home soon!
Hugs from Kristi and Carter
Poor baby! I just want to come in there and steal Jaxson and snuggle him all night long! I hope your trying to get some rest.
We are thinking about you.
Love Kaci and Carson
Hi Lacey! I've been following your blog for awhile now. Great to see Jaxson is doing well enough to visit us up on the floor. Hang in there. Deirdre
Little Jax, what a brave boy you are! It's very hard to see you like this, but I know this will make you better so I am so grateful that all went well with the surgery. Lacey If I could hop on a plane and fly to America I would to give you a great big hug! Sending much love! Megan and Keaton
First off, I have kept Jax in my prayers daily, I have been having a hard time getting your page to load.(I am not sure what the problem is)Was very glad I finally got it too load today. I am glad to see/hear that surgery is over and he is doing ok. I hope you don't have to remain in the hospital very long and that he recovers quickly. Many hugs to your whole family and extra ones for you and Jax!
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