First I wanted to throw my two sense into this whole April Rose thing. If you didn't know April Rose was an unborn baby that supposidly had Trisomy 13 and holoprencephaly(spelling?). And now it seems the whole thing was made up. I don't know how people know for sure it was made up but the site is gone. I don't want to give this women any more press, but this upsets me for two reasons. First, we sent this lady a blankie for her baby, and if you look closely at the (fake) baby pic, you'll see it in the background, its polka dots. Julie made this blankie and wrote a special note for this lady, you see, if you didn't know, Julie is Arianna's mom. And Arianna is Jax best friend, and she also has Trisomy 13.
Trisomy 13 is usually fatal, Arianna will be celebrating her 3rd birthday soon, and Julie wrote this heartfelt note to this lady, and we never heard back, now we know why. You don't joke about things like this. We celebrate every day we have Arianna, and it just makes me sick. Send the damn blankie back please. ( Sorry) And Julie asked me if the pic of the baby looked like Arianna, they have a specific look, and I was like, not really. Again, now we know why. This lady needs some serious help.
I have some cute pics and blankies to post, but I didn't want to do it on my whiny blog yesterday. We got our afghan in the mail. Its so cute, thanks Emmalee and mommy from the T 21 traveling afghan.

I have contacted another doctor in Stanford. I emailed Libby's mom, she said no one will touch Libby except this guy. He is going to take all of her collaterals and unifocalize them. I'm really hoping he can help us. Thats why everyone is afraid of jax is his collaterals. this guy specializes in them. Keep those fingers crossed.
I'm so glad my sweet baby is oblivious to all of this. He has no idea how sick he is, he just goes on with life in his sweet manor.
It certainly is a blessing that sweet Jaxson isn't aware how sick he is. He seems like a very happy little fella!
I'll keep my fingers crossed for Stanford. We almost took Jayden there, but got Denver instead. Great pics. of Jax!
good luck! And you'll be one tired mommy too, I'm sure!
Gah! I am so friggin pissed at the whole April Rose thing.
It's a mockery to our children. Any children for that matter that has any type of a Trisomy.
When I read about the whole thing being a hoax I thought of Julie and Arianna, and hoped that they hadn't seen the April Rose blog. Sigh.
Anyhow, we are sending lots of good luck vibes your way. Hoping that you get some answers and a solution soon for Jax.
We should meet somewere on Saturday. Any thoughts as to where?
Sweet pictures of Jax and his little friend. Lots of prayers that this doctor is willing to help you guys.
Sending TONS of good vibes you way!!!!!
Anthony just started back up with school on Memorial Day and it is rough.......
The whole April Rose thing is just sickening to me!!!
Towards the end of her blog, there was A LOT that just didn't add up, but I din't think too deeply in it, because things that happen in my life and my family's life, sometimes doesn't make much sense either :0)
One thing that REALLY stood out in my mind was how her twitter picture changed from looking like a girl who was at least 30 weeks pregnant to looking like a girl who was MAYBE 20 weeks......That NEVER left my head......
go to
there's one on
She was a very beautiful girl who played a CRUEL CRUEL joke on everyone......UGH!!
Anyways, you already know that Jaxson is the cutest in the whole wide world.....ha ha.......And that I am happy that he doesn;t "see" that's he's sick......Like I said before, He's a dreamer.....and he is fighting to live that dream :0)......I know it when you tell us how he's rolling over....He has hung on for THIS LONG......Through ALL he has been through.....He still continues to hold onto his dream :0)
I am sure Daddy will be one tired man! So will Mommy! Yes, the April Rose thing makes me upset! How could someone do that?
Keeping fingers crossed for Dad! Sending big hugs to our buddy Jaxson! Yelling at the doctors to hurry up for Mommy, and 100% understanding the upset about April. Some people have no heart.
I have never heard about the whole April Rose thing. That is horrible! Good luck to your hubby and give hugs to sweet Jaxson!
I'm keeping Jax in my prayers.
That really is sad about that woman tricking everyone!
I would soooo love for Ruby to have one of your blankets.Would you be willing to make her one if I send you the money or materials?
Good vibes going Daddy's way!
OMG, I can NOT believe that woman, ARE YOU KIDDIN ME!?
Still praying for you Jax. Pretty Penny's Mom & I were talking about coming to visit you if you were coming to, we're looking out for you sweetheart! Best wishes with WHATEVER happens for you will be OK!!!
I've been following the April Rose blog too and was pretty hesitant. I hadn't heard that it was a hoax but had wondered why the blog disappeared. Many things didn't add up. I wish I could do something to help you and Jax.
It was so good chatting with you today at school! I would like you to know that I want to help out any way I can. Please know I am here for you and your family.
Sending good vibes and lots of prayers you way. Let me know if there is anything I can do for you. :)
That April Rose thing - ARGH! That girl has really messed up her life. Chicago may be big, but it isn't THAT big. Now the Chicago Tribune is doing an investigation. Somebody talked to her family, who had no idea any of this was going on. They can't find her now either. All of her "legit" business sites are down now too. She might be in for more than she bargained for. I will pray for her because I think there is a special place in hell for people who do this kind of thing and can't see the damage they cause. GRRRRRR.
Steph and Christopher
Lacey,your blankies are all so wonderful.I will just let you decide what to make for Ruby and I'm sure it will be perfect.
I do not understand people who make up 'fake' SN children - it is just disturbing and shows they have NO idea what it is really like when they trivialise it like that.
I really hope this doctor will be the one for Jaxson.
I posted but don't know where it went!!!I missed the April Rose thing all together.Have since researched and I am in total disbelief.Total.Why in God's green earth would someone do this?Anyway.Prayers and good vibes to Ray.He is going to do great and as for Jax,that mighty fighter,he will do great too.I just know it.
Ugh ugh ugh! I'm so so sorry you guys got hurt by this whole April Rose thing. I had my doubts for awhile... there was SO much not adding up! SO many people now are going to doubt EVERY story asking for prayer... only prayer. So sad :(. I hope they find her. Jax is SO handsome, as always!!!!
Well, that sounds promising (Stanford).Jax lookin stinkin' cute as usual.I never saw the April Rose blog, but, Yeah, to do something like that... you're just not all there.Sending prayers!
I didn't hear about the April Rose thing, but how could someone lie about something like that.....Just to get a blanket and attention. Terrible.
I think about Jax everyday and keep him in my prayers. He such a cutie.
I'll be praying that this new doctor is THE ONE! Just remember that God already has a plan for Jax and none of this is a surprise to Him!
Sounds like your family is going to get even busier. Praying that school goes well for your husband and that life will go smoothly for all of you.
It really is sad about this whole April Rose thing! I can't understand why anyone would do this! She obviously needs help!
Hang in there Lacey! I'm praying and thinking of you often! HUGS!!!
I know I know... the whole april rose thing is just plain bizarre...
And you gave her a blanky? That's just heartbreaking!
Hi there, Lacey I agree with you 100% about this April Rose Story! Here I am - thousands of miles away in South Africa and I catch onto this story about 2 months ago and refer all my family and friends to it - we prayer so hard, I too was getting up in the night to check the progree of her labour - I was in absolute shock when I heard it was hoax! Im sorry one of your beautiful and precious blankies was "stolen" by this woman! I will prayer for her - she certainly needs it!
On to more imporant stuff like your little Jax, praying like crazy that this doctor comes through for you and that Jax can see this amazing doctor! Please give him big hugs from us and the photos are gorgeous as usual! God bless! Megs and Keaton
Big prayers going up for everything...dr's for Jax & daddy starting school soon~and you too, of course, because you must be one worn-out momma too (emotionally and physically)! Jax is an absolute doll, it really is wonderful that our babies are tiny enough that they are oblivious to what is truly going on, they can just live happily ever after as if every day is just business as usual...full of lots of food, lots of drool, and lots of lovin' from family and friends!!
That is truly sick about the April Rose story...some people just seem to find pleasure in doing horrible things to wonderful people, I'm sorry that mother took advantage of you and your generosity and sincere well wishes. KARMA
Good luck, again! *BIG HUGS* from our family to yours!
Jaxson looks so adorable and happy. I am always amazed by our little ones, they don't know they're supposed to be sick!!
I am sorry you got sucked into the April Rose issue as well. I wish you could go rip that blanket from her hands. :(
I am off to read Arianna's site. :)
Wow - I really hope this doctor can help Jax - that would be wonderful!
Something is wrong with that lady.
Hey - I need your address. You can send it to me offline.
I feel for you regarding "April Rose". To see your blankets in one of the only pictures of a fake baby ! To know that the very same blanket could be comforting another child who deserves it! Praying for your handsome little Jaxson and for B.
Who is the doctor at Stanford? If you need a place to stay, we are just down the street. (If it works out of course)
Lacey: I am having a give-a-way next week on my blog for a Lisa Leonard Jewelry gift certificate. If you are interested I would love to see you or another have a chance at winning! She makes beautiful stuff! Stay tuned!
Well I guess the April Rose blog was one that I hadn't read or followed. That is really sad. Back home we had a couple claiming that they were expecting triplets and everyone in the community started donated money, diapers, a VAN, and it was also a hoax. They were later arrested and ordered to pay all the money back. The mom is even serving time in jail.
As for Jaxson, I will say a prayer for him. Have you heard anything from Boston? I don't remember hearing anything about them yet.
Tell Daddy good luck in school. What is he going for?
Oh and tell Carter to hit a homer for us at his next game.
I am with Ruby's mom.....I really want a "Jaxson" blankie. I know at this moment that Ella doesn't have a life threatening illness (I thank God for every day that we don't) but I feel like it would be an honor for Ella to have one. I am more than willing to cover costs. Lacey, please let me know your honest feelings about this because I don't in any way want to take advantage of you. (Maybe we can even come and get it in person)
oh I really hope you can connect with this Dr at Stanford and get some help! How frustrating this whole situation must be that no one is willing to do anything! Praying for Jaxson!
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