Carter and his teacher. She was such a good teacher and we will all miss her. Carter wanted to know if he could have her next year. She keeps those kids mind's stimulated constantly with fun activities. Carter started school two months late because we moved and the school he came from hadn't started yet. And the school we went to they put them on a track that had already started. So he was two months behind everyone. We always knew he was bright but she had him totally caught up and when school ended he was reading on a 1st grade level. Thank you so much Mrs. Nelson, we love you.

Carter and his mommy came over. She is helping me with blankies so she brought me some that were finished. This kid has so many great face's. He is such a ham. Besides his beautiful smile. Check it out.
Carter and his mommy came over. She is helping me with blankies so she brought me some that were finished. This kid has so many great face's. He is such a ham. Besides his beautiful smile. Check it out.
He was loving Jax. He wanted him to play. I really hate that Jax lays on the floor and his friends want to play. It really makes me sad. I sit Jax up but he still doesn't interact with other people.
Did Carter finish K or 1st? I had a first grade teacher named Mrs Nelson as well. She was really a cool teacher.
The other Carter is a cutie. I love his pics where he is sticking out his tongue. Very funny.
Is it me or has Jaxson gotten bigger? He looks like he has grown in those pictures. As always, he looks cute.
Congrats Carter! Sounds like you are a smartie pants! Great job!
And, what a cutie that other Carter is!!!
It always bothers me when we are around other babies and children that are around Gavin's age too! It makes me see just how far behind he is.....and that is a hard pill to swallow! When I'm at home with Gavin I look more at how far he has come, but when I'm out and see other kiddos it makes me sad.
We HAVE to get our boys together some day! Have a great rest of your weekend! Hugs and prayers!!!
Way to go Carter, congrats.
Those pics are so cute
Congrats to your big boy kindergarten graduate!!! So exciting!
Sorry you're having so many frustrations with Jax. The docs, wanting him to play, all the tubes. . . I feel for you.
Good luck with figuring out what to do about moving. Our state is so bad about early intervention services that we think about moving too. I don't know how CA is, but my sister lives there so that would be our top choice probably. So hard in the midst of all the stress to think about moving! I feel your pain!!! (and we don't even have to deal with near what you're dealing with!!!)
Happy graduation Carter! I have to agree that Jaxson looks bigger in these photos! His outfit is darling!
Congrats to Carter! That is awesome.
Hi Lacey. I had to catch up on Jax. My have you been going through the ringer. I know your frustration. I would tell you to hang in there but I am having a hard time doing this "theory" myself. I am so proud of you for doing these blankies. The smiles and blessings from these little ones is immeasurable. Thanks for keeping up with Ava....although I don't know you do it. Your life sounds pretty full. Love you girl!
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