We had a CT this morning, which has good and bad news. The good news is there is no pulmonary embolism. Bad news is he does have a clot in his superior vena cava, the big vein that goes back into the heart. They called cardiology to come by. Of course they didn't have anything meaningful to say. They said to call hemo. So hemo is coming by tomorrow. The goal is to get them to order an echo. The cardiologist think it may not even be a clot. Just a narrowing of his SVC for some reason. But he's got a bunch of collaterals around it. I still think he is in some heart failure and I also want the echo to look at his function, but the echo will also show if there is a clot or not.
He is having some funky heart rates. I mentioned this to my doc. I could kind of see it on my pulse ox. But it jumps all over the place. Cardiology did see it and still had nothing meaningful to say. We'll see what happens tomorrow, if the echo gets done or not. Then I may have to call my pediatrician to do some screaming if we don't get what we want.
If there is a clot there, then we have to wonder why he is still clotting on blood thinners, that makes me really nervous, because he could potentially have a pulmonary embolism in the future.
I will update tomorrow when I know some more, thanks for your prayers.
3 days ago
Keeping Jaxson in our prayers, he is such a strong little guy. Big prayers for you to.
What is up with the cardiologists there?! How frustruating!
Poor Jaxson and poor Momma! I've been thinking of you guys lots and praying too! I hope you get some answers today! Hang in there!
Love and Hugs,
Alicia and Gavin
Praying that everything goes well.
We will keep an extra prayer for you and Jaxson in our prayers tonight. I've been following your blog quite some time due to Jax and Rhett being buddies. I hope you'll get some answers soon.
Sweetie, Thinking of you guys and keeping you in our prayers. Give that guy of yours a huge hug.
Tammy and Parker
You continue to be close in thought and prayers.Let who ever,have what ever,if it means getting done what's got to be done for Jax.We are not out to make friends with these people.If we do ,great,that's a bonus but number one is our children and we do and continue to do what we need to do!Love to you all.
God Lacey, I'm so sorry that poor Jax is going through all of this! Stay strong & THANK GOD for your great Pedi! I hope to God that she does that screaming & she can get that echo!!! For crying out loud...he deserves to get it done;)
Many Hugs & so many prayers to you tonight!
Love you XOXO
I'm praying my little heart out for Jaxson! I'm so sorry you are having to go through all of the up's and down's! You guys stay strong. The poem made me cry! Such a sweet little girl! The blankies are SO CUTE!
Hugs - Tiffany
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