Yep were stuck. After I got him to the ER early this morning he started to perk up, and I was quick to say let me take him home and watch him some more. But they reminded me that we haven't seen the worst of it yet, that we are only a few days into it. So we waved the white flag and gave in. Right now he is on 3/4 of a liter, but he sounds horrible.
Since I don't have any pics of Jax yet here is one of our blankie recievers, Carson. He loves his Thomas blankie.
I'm praying!! Get home and well FAST little man!!!
Praying the Jaxson gets over the RSV quickly. Poor guy, give him hugs from us.
The blanket turned out sooo cute, the little guy with it is also a cutie.
PRAYING for you both. Soo sorry, I know the feeling of "oh wait, can we go home now, forget we ever came here feeling"...
UGH, hope that Jax does an amazing FAST recovery.
GOOD JOB with that blankie;) You're so awesome!
Lacey well as I said I'm praying hard that this time he jumps over hurdles much faster and his body is bigger so perhaps stronger.
Take care of yourelf. I'd say get some rest but how can one do that in the hospital. Jaxson and you all are in my heart and prayers.
We are praying for sweet Jaxs!!! Keep us updated!
Oh my gosh ...hoping for a short stay and that Jax gets to feeling better in no time flat.Sweet guy.Prayers coming your way.
*another darling blanket and child to match!!
Well I just wanted to say thank you again. Carson has been sleeping with his Choo Choo train every night. We just love it.
I'm so sorry that I have been out of the loop for the last few days. Poor little Jaxson. I'm sending lots of prayers your way.
A lady from my church came over tonight to visit and she saw Carson's blanket and then of course we talked about Jax, so we are putting him on our prayer list. I hope that all these extra prayers are going to help out.
PS I think I only have your home number. Can you call me on my cell this weekend? 816-616-7346
Love to all,
Kaci and Carson
Shame we live so many states away, we could have kept each other company in the ER last night! I'm glad that little Jaxon is improving. I hope it will keep going that way!
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