Last night we had a great time at our superbowl party. Although they were all Cardinal fans because they lived in Arizona, yes my hubby was very upset. But Tanner, my autistic 7 year old was having major asthma issues. The air quality here is pretty bad right now, but he was barely making it 2 hours between treatments. I Really didn't want to take him in, I'm still trying to get ready for Jax surgery on Wednsday. So I just got up last night every couple of hours to give him treatments. But I did take him in to my pediatrician today. She gave him 3 nebs and he still wasn't moving much air. She told me I should probably take him up to the hospital. ARE YOU KIDDING ME.
I took him up but once I got there i just kept thinking. I can do this at home. I have a sat monitor, I even have oxygen if he needs it. So I talked them in to letting us come home. It will be another long night though. So I got home exhausted tonight, and thinking that now I only have tommorow to get everything ready for Wednsday. There was a package on my table. It was from Gavins mom Alicia. It was a cute blankie for Jax, a sooo cute stuffed giraffe, and a great book called Give Us This Day. I was so excited. What a way to brighten my day. Thank you so much Alicia.
Jax and his new stuffed giraffe.I recieved a couple of blog awards today. Thank you so much, and I just wanted to let you know,those who gave them to me, that I will pass them along and post them, but it will probably be after Jax surgery, I need to have time to pick blogs and get r done. Thanks again to my friends.
3 days ago
That giraffe is adorable, but nothin compared to Jax. Good luck with the surgery. I hope everything goes well, and I'm sure it will. God bless!
Jax will do just fine. My thoughts and prayers will be with you all tomorrow! What a great job you did on the binder. I started one for Penny, but then since her surgery to repair her heart, she hasn't been sick so I kind of haven't updated it in awhiel. Let us know how Tanner is doing when you have a chance!
Glad you received your package! Thanks for the cute pictures of Jaxson holding his giraffe! He is ADORABLE!!!
Man! You must be stressed! I'm so sorry that you have so much going on right now! Hang in if you have a choice, right?! You can do this!!! I'll be thinking of you and praying for you often! Wish I lived closer to give you a helping hand.
Hugs from MI,
Alicia and Gavin
What a life for us mothers huh???? I'm glad you didn't have to stay in the hospital.
I'm sendin lots of prayers your way that Jaxson has a very speedy recovery.
I'm glad you saw your award. I haven't had time to go through and leave messages on everyone yet. You deserve it!!
Take my number with you and call if you need anything at all.
Kaci and Carson
You sure have your hands full right now. Prayers for Jaxsons surgery.
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