Jax is doing ok, he's still holding his own. He coughed all night last night, and had fevers all night. But his oxygen need hasn't gone above a liter yet. He keeps gagging and wretching and I'm afraid he's going to rip apart his newly fixed nissen. Thanks for all the prayers. So far they seem to be working, he hasn't gone downhill yet. And hopefully it will stay that way.

Another brave hero passed away this morning. My good friend Julie who has Ariana. A little girl that she knew that had Trisomy 16 passed away today. She was 4 years old. Its super hard on Julie because there are not many trisomy 16, 13, and 18 kido's around, so they had a lot in common and it really hit home for her. Pray for her family that they will get through this.
Here's some pics of Jax
Sending lots of prayers and hugs! Hope little man is home soon.
Jax - you continue to amaze us all, you are such a brave little boy.
Poor sweet boy.Hoping and praying that he is out before you know it.I love his baby legs.Actually we love him too.Kisses from Zoey.
Jaxson you are one strong little guy. Prayers for a quick recovery.
Keep holding your own Jaxson! We can't wait to hear that you are home and all better! You tough little man!
I'm so sorry to hear about the loss that this family has had to face! I can't imagine the pain! I'll be praying!
I'm so sorry! I've been preparing for a big training meeting that we had today so I didn't know Jaxson was struggling. Let me know if you need anything. Your in my thoughts and prayers!
We are praying for your precious little one. Stay strong Jaxson and fight this infection. Show everyone just how strong you are. Praying for you all!
Thanks for all the support on our site! I have enjoyed reading past posts and have been praying for Jax. I hope you all can come home soon. Jax is an amazing little man and I wish I could scoop him up and snuggle with him!! Ps. If you are still making blankies,Im sure peewee would love one!! Thanks again!!
Hey girlie been meaning to leave a message and only have a second still but just wanted to tell you to ask for Zofran for your little guy....
After Jophies nissan they automatically put him on that to keep from ripping the new nissan...Oh and its very very common for the fundo surgery to cause lasting gagging/wretching...I know lotsa kiddos including Jophie who were unlucky enough for this to remain...
He remains on Zofran and has been now for 9 years...We could NOT make it without it...
Hope your little guy feels better real soon...Our kiddos are so tuff and snap back ever so quickly...
One more thing....Because of the Zofran Jophies Nissan has remained intact and as tight as the day it was placed....The docs give the credit to us being so quick to respond to any gagging/wretching at all with zofran....It works instantly by the way and very easy to used in any form....Crushed and shoved through the tube or dissolving ones on the tongue...
Lacey sending "Get well" prayers Jaxson's way. He is one tough cookie! Sorry to hear he is gagging and wretching. I hate to say but "Welcome to my worls for the last 7 months." It will pass and you friend is right about Zophran, it is an amazing drug. BUT Ava's body becomes accumstomed to it and then we have to stop it for about a week and then start it back up again for good results. Thinking of you all!
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