My hubby is having a superbowl party today. He's making his homemade chili. (yummy). I don't really care about the superbowl, but any excuse to have a party.
I finally finished my binder for Jax. I wanted it done before he had surgery on Wednsday. Now that its done I think it will be very handy. If you have a child who is in the hospital a lot and has a huge medical history, this is wonderful. Now when they ask me for his meds I can just hand it to them and let them copy it. Another great thing is, I'm constantly asked in the hospital if he has a DNR order, how do I decide that? So the first page inside says: Lifesaving measures, FULL CODE in red letters so they know. It also says that decisions may change based on individual circumstances. That is great to have written down in scary times. Heres what his folder looks like.
The cover has a pic of him and his birthday, and diagnoses
Inside are history, meds, surgeries and hospitalizations. It even says what comforts him.
The notebook looks great. I have something similar that I take to all Junior's doctors. It really helps when things are stressful.
That is really an excellent idea. I feel like a broken tape recorder EVERY time we go to the hospital or clinics.
Hope you hav a great time with the superbowl party. I have one to go to and just haven't felt very energetic. We will see.
Chili sounds great to.
This is a GREAT idea! I have a typed up sheet with all her surgeries and the dates on it because I get sick of answering EVERY time. They've never asked me about DNR orders.
I love the cover. We have something like that for Phoenix, but I never thought about the Code page! If you have any other tips of things to be sure I have in there I would love them.
Hi Lacey! I'm Devon. Nice to meet you! Jaxon is beautiful, and we will be praying for a good surgery!!
Hi Jaxson, I hope you had a great superbowl party! I also love parties! Your mommy has really put together an awesome folder for you and your doctors which is such a great idea! Thinking of you all this week! God bless!
What a great idea! Awesome job Momma! This will be so helpful, I'm sure! I'll be thinking og you guys and praying!
Hey Lacey, There's an award for you on my blog!
Wow Lacey, What a great job! Jax, you are so lucky to have such a wonderful Mommy;) I LOVE homemade chilli...sounds like you guys had fun!
Will be keeping you in my prayers for Wednesday!!!
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