Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Taken care of!

Well, Jaxson got his first H1N1 vaccine yesterday finally. Of course after I spent the morning trying to get him an appointment and leaving my ped a message about my frustrations. At our follow up appointment with ENT, we saw that the hospital FINALLY has the vaccine. If you have an appointment you can have the doctor give you the "golden ticket" to get the vaccine. Of course his ENT was surprised he hadn't already had it. I told him that they aren't making any exceptions for our medically fragile kids. I think this whole fiasco with the vaccine just kind of shows you what would happen if we get a socialized health care system. Yikes.
I'm just glad he finally got it. Getting the second one will be interesting, but at least he's half covered. Although it doesn't help my other kids. I do have two asthmatics that have both been hospitalized with respitory problems, so now I need to find the vaccine for them too. I'm exhausted just thinking obout it.

I was trying to get some cute pics of Jax today. He's so smiley in the morning, but it almost takes two people. One to hold the camera, the other to keep him facing forward and talk to him, since his vision is so poor you have to get right in his face for him to see you, not easy for one person. I finally gave up, we'll wait until daddy gets home.

I forgot to post pics of my picture collage that I made. I was trying to get a good pic without getting a huge flash. But you get the jist. I want to make one more, so if your kido isn't in this one, email me a pic of them at
Also you may know that Utah does a Festival of Tree's every year. People make trees and donate them. People buy them and all of the money goes to our Childrens hospital. A lot of people do trees in memory of someone or for a little one thats fighting medical problems. I wanted to do a DS tree this year, but with Jax being so busy I never got around to it. So I'm going to start now for next year. Michelle gave me the idea to do a Neverland theme, were you never grow up. So if you know of something Neverlandy that we can decorate a tree with please let me know. You know how creative I am (not), thats why I have Michelle to help me.


ANewKindOfPerfect said...

I'm glad Jax got the first vaccine! My Peanut got it in the hospital last week. Now I can't find anyone or anywhere that will give her the second one. Ugh!

I love the pictures of Jaxson laying there. He looks so great! I can't wait until you have a second set of hands and can show us his great smiles. I am so happy he is doing so well. :)

Jen said...

Glad he got FINALLY the vac! That really surprises me cuz the U of MN had a bunch set aside for all the kids with other medical issues and actually called us to let us know we could come in. Here's the trick for your other two...see if you can find out if your regular clinic has them...ours did but kept it on the down low, if you went in for a regular check up, or to get seen for something else they offered it to you...maybe its the same where you are?

Rochelle said...

Yeah, glad he got his shot (although I am sure he didn't want it) LOL. He looks very cute in the pics, can't wait to see the smiling ones.

Anonymous said...

Oh he is sooo handsome! I am so glad you finally got the shot. I am wondering too, how I am going to get P in for her booster - should be interesting!!! I am excited to do that tree next year...I think it will be awesome! the children of Neverland...I am smiling just thinking about it. And yes, that is why you have me...well one of the many many reasons! :)

The VW's said...

Look at that boy! He is just so squeezable! I love seeing Jaxson pictures!

Glad Jax was able to get the H1N1 vac! That's a relief! Socialized health care definitely scares the crap out of me...especially having a special needs child! God help us!

Great job on the collage! What a great idea! I like the tree idea too! HUGS!

Emily said...

Love his darling smiling pics! The collage is beautiful! I e-mailed you a picture of Justin... but for some reason I don't think it went through. Let me know...
I would LOVE to help with the tree next year! I have always wanted to participate in that. I have zero creativity myself... but I would still be willing to be a helping hand!

Alison said...

What a relief that Jaxson has finally got the vaccine. We haven't had it as it didn't come out until the end of winter here. They are also still not approving it for kids here - don't know why - if it is safe for American kids surely it is safe for Australian kids??? I'm not going to worry about it until next winter now.

Junior said...

oh such sweet pictures, Jax looks so happy.

Me said...

I'm glad he finally got the shot! This whole h1n1 vaccine is a fiasco everywhere. I think all countries were in cohorts with each other on how to poorly manage it.

Cheryl said...

Glad Jax was able to get the vaccine shot.You are so right socialized medicine is scary.I just don't understand why your pedi. wouldn't have made sure that Jax got this shot.Hope when he needs the second one you can get it easily.Jaxson just looks great in the pictures.

Shelly Turpin said...

So glad he got his shot. Amen to your comment about socialized medicine. And I love that my babe is in your collage!

Baylee and Blair's page said...

I'm glad he got his first dose. Baylee got hers on Monday. They don't have Blair's dose for her age yet. I do NOT agree with the new healthcare plan. I do NOT need someone telling me where to go seek medical care. I fought so hard to get both girls great care in St. Louis.

I don't need some jackass telling me I have to go back to Little Rock because it's closer or whatever... I would probably have a heart attack!

Big Hugs - Tiffany

Heather said...

Look at your little guy .. Lacey,he looks wonderful.I mean really wonderful.Your collage is just beautiful.Look at those kids face.Everyone of them perfect as can be.Miss Zoey is honored to be among that grouping!

H1N1... finally.Can't believe we were just talking about the frustration yesterday.You must have gotten it right after we talked!Hoping Zoey will be able to get her second next month as well.Ridiculous.Seriously ridiculous.

Kim Rees said...

Man, I am so sorry that you had to search so hard to get Jax his H1N1 shot. That is ridiculous! Our ped called and told me that they compiled a list of all the kiddos that were high risk and they got first priority. I was shocked. So our Lily has had both her H1N1 shot and her seasonal flu shot. I'm so glad that we didn't have to put up with some of the garbage that you did. Well, Jax just looks fantastic Lacey! I'm so glad that all is well and he is doing so GREAT!

Tina said...

I just love love these new pictures of Jax, his smile is beautiful, he is looking radiant these days, I hope he's feeling it as well.
Glad that the 1st H1N1 is over and the next one comes problem free also for the others!

Kristin said...

Yay for Jax!
I haven't heard any more about the IHH tree... I missed a meeting because Piper was sick and emailed them to keep me posted as to what was next, but haven't heard anything... hmmm. Not very organized I'm thinkin. I'm in for a Ds tree next year!

Anonymous said...

Glad you got Jax covered! Jax is looking adorable as usual! Thanks for your concerns about my grandpa!

Lots Of Love,

Jeana said...

So glad you got it! Love the pics, he looks so good and charming

ParkerMama said...

Which Doctor provided you with that Golden Ticket. Parker needs his second round THIS WEEK.

And......we were married on the 15th too!