Saturday, November 21, 2009

The serious cuteness from last night

First of all, we want to thank everyone who came last night. We had so much fun. And I feel like such a dope, but there was a present in a green bag that had these cute jammies in it. I don't know who it was from in the chaos of the party. Jax wore them last night to bed. They are so cute because they are big boy jammies instead of baby jammies. So he looks like a big boy. So please let me know if you gave these to him so we can say thank you.

Jaxson opening one of his presents.

And sweet baby Kaelyn, who we've all been dying to meet. The tiniest one of the bunch, and soooo precious. Ya holding her didn't help the baby girl need I have!

Sweet little Preslie was all smiles last night. I was so lucky to get some great smiles, usually she only gives me crusty's.

Little Justin always has smiles.

And of course Carter and his great faces. My father-in-law loves him!

Jaxson and Auriana.

by the end of the night most kids were pretty tuckered out.

Oh, mom, I'm done partying tonight. Whew, rough day!


Unknown said...

Great pictures. Looks like you guys had a good time. Jax does look like a big boy in those new pj's.

Anonymous said...

Seriously cute pictures! So wish I could have been there!!! Too many things going on :-(

Denise said...

I didn't get my Happy Birthday wish in yesterday so Happy Birthday Jax!!! You know I have been dying to see pics of all the cuteness. Thanks for posting so quickly. I am still bummed that we couldn't be there but am so glad that you all had such a great time!! Jax looks beyond cute in his big boy pj's!!

Shari said...

I am glad everyone had a great time! All those babies are darling!

Kristin said...

I'm bummed we had to leave early & didn't get to see everyone - but I did get to see Kaelyn today!!

Team Carter Jay said...

Aww Man! I so wish that we could have been there. What cuties! I'm so glad that Jaxson had a Happy Birthday party

Anonymous said...

What a fun time you all had :0)

Everyone was so adorable!! I wish we could've been there to celebrate with all of you.


Alison said...

That is a LOT of cuteness!! I wish we could have been there.

The VW's said...

SERIOUS CUTENESS! I'm so jealous that you had all that cuteness in your house!

Looks like a great party! Glad you guys had fun! Thanks for putting such a big smile on my face today! HUGS!!!

Jessica said...

It was grat to have met you and little Jaxson. Thank you for opening your house up so that we could wish him a happy brithday. We had fun and it was great to talk with you as well as the other moms. Thank you.

Blessed with Boys said...

it looks like he had a WONDERFUL party with wonderful friends. Happy Birthday Sweet Jaxson!!!!!

Emily said...

Loving the big boy p.j.'s! Carter's face is so darn cute! Thanks again for the invite. We always have such a wonderful time with everyone!

Becky said...

WISH we could have come. I'm glad you all had so much fun. Happy birthday big boy!!!

Junior said...

adorable pics of all the kids, happy Birthday Jax

Cheryl said...

Looks like everyone had a good time.I love Jax's pj's!

Heather said...

Wished we could have been there.SO jealous you got your hands on Kaelyn and would you look at all those other beautiful faces?So lucky you are near these families .. what a blessing.Love to you all.

Sasha@ Blyssfulhealth said...

Looks like you had a great time. So jealous of all you mommies able to get together. I love Jaxsons pj's, they are so cute.

Kim said...

What a great day! All the kids are just beautiful! Jax is look pretty darn cute in those pjs! Glad he had an awesome day!

Tina said...

Great party from the looks of it, and yes too much cuteness all packed into one night, lucky you!!! Gosh would I love to get my hands of all those little precious things. Jax looks super cute in his grown up jammies, so so happy to see Jax enjoyed his party.

ANewKindOfPerfect said...

Aww, so much cuteness in one post! Look at all those amazing beautiful faces. I wish we could have been there!

Jax, you look like SUCH a big boy in those jammies!!

Jeana said...

Thanks again for the invite...Jax looked so good, he is just a stud. It was so fun to get Kaelyn out :)

Rochelle said...

So glad you guys had a great time. Oh my he does look like such a big boy in his new jammies. So cute!

Shelly Turpin said...

That looks like so much fun!

Stephanie @ Ralphcrew said...

You have quite a collection of cute babes on oxygen! Hope no one got tangled up.

The jammies are so perfect. Happy Birthday sweet, handsome boy!

Anonymous said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR JAXSON! So sorry I missed wishing you on your actual day! May the year ahead brign you only laughter, happiness and love! Im so blessed to have come across your blog and have fallen in love with your family and am inspired daily by your actions, thoughts and hopes!

It looks likes you had a wonderful party and got spoilt rotten, just what you deserve little prince!

God bless you and much love,

Megan and Keaton

ParkerMama said...

So wish we could have been there. So thrilled things went so well! *smooch*

My Three Sons said...

What a great time. That last pic of Jax worn out just makes me laugh. Very cute.

Since I have been WAY out of the loop lately, tell Jax happy belated birthday.

Michelle said...

wow you had a house full for his party - what fun! (Sorry I'm so far behind on commenting!)