Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Home for some serious turkey tomorrow!

Jaxson has been fine. We are now thinking it was aspiration. He was wretching while getting his blood drawn Monday. And while nothing came all the way out, I could see formula in his throat. There wasn't much I could do, expecially with a needle in his arm. Just a couple hours later the fever and super fast respirations came. That would explain why it only lasted a couple of hours. Just one of the many reasons his lungs are toast.
I also talked to the trach guru. She said that kids forget really fast how to breath through their mouth and nose. So its not that he can't, its that he is being lazy. Also she is not worried about the granulation tissue. The more you mess with it the more it grows. So unless we have a hard time getting the trach to go in or we get bleeding, we just watch it. Sounds like a plan to me.
Can't wait for turkey tomorrow. And the fact that we get a four day weekend with daddy. We'll be putting up the tree the day after, our family tradition. And we're excited because this year we are doing a Disney tree. Very fitting for our family, don't ya think?

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!


Shelly Turpin said...

so glad he is OK - well, that he stopped. Hope his lungs are really OK down there. Enjoy your thanksgiving and your tree! :)

Kristin said...

Can't wait to see the tree!!

ANewKindOfPerfect said...

I'm glad he's doing better! It does sound like aspiration. Scary. I love his hair in these pictures. And a Disney tree - so perfect!

Mama Mason-Mann said...

So glad you guys are home for the holidays and get a 4-day weekend to be together. We're looking forward to one ourselves!!! PLEASE let me know when you're coming out to Boston. I'm about 3 hours, but I'll try try try my hardest to get up there! i want to meet you and Jaxson in person!!!

ch said...

can't wait to see the disney tree!!! so happy you'll be home for turkey munching!

Jessica said...

His baby legs are stinkin' cute! I love em! So glad to know that you will not be having Thanksgiving in the PCMC Cafeteria. I was very worried for Jaxson. Hope you all have a wonderful dinner tomorrow. So much to be thankful for!

Jessica said...
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Alison said...

I'm glad all is well with Jaxson. I hope you have a great day tomorrow. We are putting up our tree soon too - fun!

The VW's said...

YAY! Have a wonderful time! HUGS!!!

ParkerMama said...

Yay! for not having Thanksgiving at Primary's!

Does Jax have a Nissen? Is he aspirating with that?

Parker's got some major granulation tissue around his trach and we think even a fistula or something going on inside where his trach is. That's part of his surgery on the 17th.

You feed this kid and the burping and hiccuping is unreal. He wins all burping contests around here without even trying.

Heather said...

Have a wonderful,fun filled day tomorrow with all your boys.Sending lots of love all around.SO happy you are home.

Junior said...

Jaxson I am so glad you are feeling better big guy. Have a wonderful thanksgiving, big hugs

Lacey I can't wait to see your Disney tree.

Stephanie said...

Amen! So glad to hear Jax is OK! Enjoy your turkey, I can't wait to dig in!! Love to you all, Happy Thanksgiving1

Sasha@ Blyssfulhealth said...

AWESOME that you that you are home and have a 4 day weekend to celebrate, eat and put up the christmas tree. Enjoy Enjoy Enjoy!!!!!

Anonymous said...


Praises for Jaxson being ok. He really and truly looks amazingly happy and well.

Putting the tree up!!!! So exciting!!! Lol my tree can probably only be decorated from the middle on up.....ha ha .......Evan's grabby and throwy hands are way too busy to be trusted with not touching the ornaments :0)

Stephanie said...

We've been having crazy granulation problems here too.
Steroid cream doesn't seem to cut it so i've been silver nitrating it away. It does work but only for a day maybe two then it's back, plus it's starting to really irritate the surrounding skin.
Will it hurt anything to just leave it alone?
I've also heard that applying pressure over it, like with a split gauze dressing can help. Is that true?

Tausha said...

So glad you are home for Thanksgiving. Glad Jaxson is doing better. I have been so busy that I haven't had much time to post of comment on anyones blogs but I was glad to read yours and here things are going better.

Kele said...

Happy Thanksgiving Lacey! So glad Jax is okay, and please let me know if you need anything in the Trach/respiratory deptartment, I will help in any way I can, equipment or advice.
Take care and give that cutie a big ole Turkey kiss from Texas!

Kim Rees said...

Happy, happy, happy, Thanksgiving to you and your family Lacey! You guys so deserve to have a happy one! Glad that Jax is doing ok and will be able to enjoy the day with you all. Have a funtastic weekend with the fam! ;0)