I'm trying this new application to post from my phone.
I'm exhausted and heading to bed. Arina has been fever free, just a yucky booger nose! She seems to do so great with illness. She must have one mighty immune system!
The bad news, Jax has been super junky today. I wouldnt say that he's sick yet, but thats the direction he's headed.
Still haven't heard about the inspection on the house, but an appraiser called wanting to come tomorrow so the inspection must have gone ok. I can't believe in about 3 weeks we'll be moving! Still a little freaked because we may end up moving without a set place to go! Homeless, yikes!
Tomorrow I start school with the boys. I still havent found much for Mondo. Its extremely frustrating, and making me wonder if I can really do this. Finding material for the little ones is easy, 8th grade is proving to be much more taxing!
Night all!
2 days ago
Hoping things go smoothly with the house!!
Praying Jax and Arina can get over this quickly!! Love all the pics!!!
Glad Arina is feeling better and I hope Jax does not get sick. In regards to homeschooling, have you tried a homeschool group in your area? They would be able to lend you material even for a short time. I just finished homeschooling grade 8 and borrowed a lot of material from families around me. Unfortunately, I am in Canada or I would lend you what I have. Sometimes the local library has a few things you can use. Good luck with your move.
Hope the next couple of months go well for you and your family! Once again, you are proving to be Super Mom! Love and Hugs!!
I just got the app for my phone to phone blog too! It's nice to be able to do. I really hope Jaxon does't get sick! I'm so glad Arina is on the mend!
We were homeless for one month although we stayed in one of our older son's camper. It's not a good feeling yet it all works out in the end. Are you homeschooling this year? We are in our 13th year and love it. Hope you move going smoothly. Hugs
my cousin homeschools her boys, and has for years. You can contact her and I'm sure she'd have TONS of 8th grade stuff you could use. Her family blog is 3inspiringsons.blogspot.com. I know they do a homeschool website, and I *think* it's Williamsberg they use, but I'm not sure. I know she'd love to give some info to you. Her name is Amy (she's actually my cousin's wife), and they live in Alaska. Good luck! Hope this helps. Oh, and Addison is begging to watch Arina before you move. :)
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