If your in the online special needs community you've probably heard about the Ipad scam.
A few months ago, just as Jax therapists were talking about him communicating with some kind of device, I heard about an Ipad giveaway. I was super excited when we were told that he was one of the winners. After a lot of excuses on why the Ipads hadn't been shipped, a little digging from people discovered some pretty disturbing stuff. The whole thing was a fraud! The special needs world was rocked by one, evil person. Trust was lost, people went into hiding, and a whole bunch of families that were promised Ipads were left with nothing.
Thats when a couple of SN parents, along with some good Samaritans, decided to try and make this right. Mission Ipossible was born.
Grab this Button!
They are determined to get all these kids their Ipads. The kids were put in random order, Jax was number 7, and he just got his Ipad! Please go to the website and consider a donation of any size. They have partnered with the Gwendolyn Strong Foundation, so when you donate, you know its secure and where its going. They are almost halfway there, and that is so amazing!
Jaxson's Ipad arrived Saturday
Wrapped and ready.
With Jaxson, the Ipad is a whole new world. We are starting with the most basic of things. His vision and hearing are poor, so we just want big, bright things that all he has to do is touch to get a reaction.
Its going to take some tweaking, as it can be difficult to sit him upright, hold the Ipad, and hold his hand to touch the Ipad. Indoors its hard, because he arches and tries to look up at the light. Hopfully soon he will reach for it himself. But he is definitely looking at the Ipad, so the bright is working!
How amazing would it be if someday Jax could touch words on the Ipad to tell us his wants and needs? A world we never thought possible, but it may just be!
2 days ago
AWESOME!!! Love the pics!
I was so sad that I had forgotten to enter Gavin in that IPad giveaway, but after I heard about all the nonsense, I was happy that I hadn't wasted my time! I can't believe someone would be so cruel!
What a blessing that there are people with big hearts that want to make this wrong, into a right for so many! Makes me smile just thinking about it!
I love that last picture, like "what the heck is this?" Non-verbal sure does NOT Mean non-communicative!
He is so darn cute!! I hope the I-pad is a source of great joy for you & Jaxson.
Happy tears! It's so great to know that for every evil scam artist there are multiple truly amazing and wonderful people in our world. I'm so happy he got his Ipad and cannot wait to hear all about the progress!
AWESOME is right!!! I can't wait to see what your little man is going to do with this incredible piece of technology. It's wonderful that a couple ladies dug into this whole scam and are changing something that someone meant for evil into something good. They are awesome ladies too!! Hugs
I'm so glad this came for you guys!! I am so excited for you and Jax and all the possibilities it holds for him! So sad about the earlier circumsances, though. Glad so many amazing people came together to make this happen. :-)
WONDERFUL! Excited for Jaxson and you!
I'm so pleased you got your iPad, seriously, what a bunch of losers to run a scam like that...
now the sky's the limit for Jax...
I'm so happy for you!
Yeah! So glad that you finally are getting it worked out and that it seems beneficial already!
Lacey - we got scammed too. I haven't been online much. We entered that guy's next giveaway which included a $5 entrance fee. We paid and then were told we were a shoe in because of having three kids with Ds. Well, we never got it. :( oh well. Just glad it was only $5
That's great! Ashlea loves that xylophone app too!!
I love seeing these pictures. I know Jaxson will like it.
So, so happy for Jaxson and all of the other much deserving kids!!!
What if you used a music stand to hold the iPad? You could adjust the height to suit and maybe step on the legs to keep it from tipping over? They are reasonably priced if you get a used one. Ebay has some for $12.00.
So glad that he finally got his Ipad...now show us what you can do little buddy!!
We love him so.
congrats, so awesome to see Jax with his new ipad.
Yay! I'm so glad he got it! Do you know of a good place to find a variety of apps to help our little special ones? We have one and need ideas on how to use it for Kaelyn, so as you learn please share :) His little sister probably loves it!
I'm so glad to see Jaxson got an iPad and hope that this opens many, many doors for him (and Arina, as I'm sure she will be borrowing it too!). I love that a bad situation has turned into the amazing iPossible group!
I love it!
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