We have a very big birthday coming up in our house!
That's right my princess, its your birthday!!
Last year at this time we were beyond frustrated when we found out our paperwork had been sitting for two weeks, needing a simple signature, but nobody told us. We could have been in her country on her first birthday. Instead she spent it alone, no one caring that it was her big number 1!
Which means its also been almost a year since we brought our princess home. In some ways it seems like we've had her since birth, and in some ways it seems like yesterday. Like yesterday I was panicking halfway across the world.
I got a lot of crap, people said I was selfish, depressed, and other crazy things. First of all, you go 15 hours away, in a country where no one speaks English, and no one smiles. Then come back and make that same comment. But what threw me over the edge was that I had left a medically fragile child so far away. I knew my other boys were ok, but Jax.....you never know if he's ok. And that scared me to death!
But I knew my daughter needed me, so I sucked it up, and did what needed to be done. I had really only one major panic attack. That was getting into her region, internet not working, and knowing Jax was admitted to the PICU 6 hours earlier. I had no way of finding out what was going on, and that was killing me! Luckily I had a fantastic facilitator, Serge, and he helped this sobbing mess get the internet working and check on her baby!
I still can't believe my girl has gone from this, somber child....
To this little cheeser!
I was planning a huge birthday bash for her 2nd, but really 1st birthday. Big problem is, I don't even know for sure which state we'll be in! If we are in Cali, I doubt we'll be in a house yet, so we'll probably be in a hotel or rental.
Yikes, how do I have a birthday bash during an unknown time?
I need to make sure its absolutely huge! But I also would like to let people know, so if they want to come, they can plan for it.
I'll figure it out, keep watching for a time and a place to celebrate a Princess Birthday!!!!
2 days ago
absolutely beautiful! and I can see just a bit of mischief! Love it!
Love her t-shirt...LOL
Oh, I'd totally come to that party if I could!! What a wonderful way to celebrate turning 2 and coming home! Amazing how far she's come, and how beautifully she's grown. :-)
Your princess is absolutely the most cutes princess ever! You all are so luck to have found each other!
What a cutie! I can't believe she will be 2! What a blessed little girl!
Can't believe it has been a year already and she is going to be 2! WOWIE! She has come such a long way this year!
I am sure she doesn't care about a big birthday bash just her brothers and maybe a huge cupcake will do =)!
Love Love!!!!! Are you able to send before and after pictures to her old groupa? Just wondering
love her shirt! ;)
Those eyes would melt anyone's heart. I followed you throughout the adoption...it doesn't seem like a year. She was beautiful then and is beautiful now. I'd love to be at that party...I'll be celebrating it with you in my heart.
btw - use your grandmother's quilt. I'm sure she would have wanted you to. Such a precious memory from her. Hugs
She'll love it no matter when or where :)
Wow - it is amazing to see how much she has blossomed since being with your family. I hope she has a great birthday. You know we would love to come - except for that pesky ocean that separates us!!
wish we could come! My hubby is leaving on the 20th for a week long Geocaching trip and will be in Utah and Cali :(
I hope we get to celebrate with the princess!
And Lacey,that child has blossomed because she is surrounded by your amazing and loving family!
What a difference in your beautiful little girl! It is amazing what the love of a family can do! Her spirit just shines in the pictures!
It absolutely blows me away what love can do! She is beautiful!
I can't believe Arina has been home almost a year already. It seems like she's always been with you!mutri
OH my gosh! I LOVE her shirt!!! I could use one for Kennedy and Kellsey right about now! She is looking so beautiful these days! Happy birthday, sweet princess!
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