Sometimes I can't believe how much this blog and Jaxson's story has touched people. The other day I got stopped in a restaurant, (the second time this has happened) and was asked if I was Jaxson's mommy. She said that she followed his blog. When I go to the hospital with Jax, I get stopped constantly and asked if this is THE Jaxson! Its quite funny actually.
So imagine my surprise when I got this email.
Hi Lacey! I have read your blog for a while now and I just had to tell you how your son Jaxson inspired the name of my Jaxson. I found your blog when we were thinking about trying for a baby a few months later we were pregnant and I just knew he would be a boy. I always have loved the name Jackson and then fell in love with your sweet boy and his story and his spelling. So I threw the name out there for my husband and he loved it too. I am glad he shares a name and spelling with such a handsome and strong boy! I hope this doesnt sound weird or creepy lol but I wanted to share how he inspired the name of our little one. I attached a picture of your Jaxsons name sake:) (the green is grass he was eating lol) Thank you for sharing his story and I wish for all the best for your family!!
So, introducing Jax name sake....Jaxson!
Isn't he sweet!
2 days ago
I love the eyelashes!
oh Lacey!! I'm more than sniffling, how beautiful!
He is so cute, just like your little man. Hugs
yeah!! I bet this inspires you to keep writing and telling your story...we love following all your kiddos and you! smiles
priceless...absolutely priceless.
Brown eyes and all!
How cool! Jax is definitely an inspiration, so I'm not surprised there is another cutie named after him!
Love the top pic of Jax above....what a handsome guy! And, I love the pic of Arina sleeping between her bros in the post below! ADORABLE!!! HUGS!
sweet story....but Jax is lifting his head!!!! love that picture
Just been catching up, gosh I have missed so much. The princess is looking beyond gorgeous, she has become so big and looking even more beautiful than I remember. And so happy to see that your big boy Jaxson is looking so great too. Hope to be a regular here once again. How is the move going and planning for the big party????
I got a couple of our Signing Time DVDs on ebay and won a couple at last year's Buddy Walk :)
But I use to check them out from the library all the time before we had our own.
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